Dream Journal: The Perfect Fan Meeting

10:25 AM

I don't know why or how but I always end up dreaming about GOT7, yesterday with 626 and throughout the whole week I was hoping that GOT7 would stay long enough to go to 626, but of course they left for Korea TWO days before 626 started, I guess GOT7 was just on my mind before I went to bed. This dream was even more perfect than the last one. It starts on the street where there was a noodle shop called "Unydon Noodle Shop" where they sold ramyun. The restaurant was really small and each table had labels on them with celebrity names. The celebrity for that day in the far corner was Mark and BamBam.

Mark was wearing something like this but his shirt was white, and the jersey was silver.
Something along the lines of this.... 
So BamBam was wearing this exact outfit.
Anyways, so I went in with my friend super excited, (this was one of those super vivid dreams where you just can feel the atmosphere and touch everything) I could feel myself blushing and get all jittery. The doorway was super small and the restaurant's store front was made of glass, so I could see through the store right at them.
It was a mix between the Oh My Ghostess
restaurants and this with circular and short
tables that are further apart.
Mark didn't look happy at all, like he literally didn't want to be there, but he was. BamBam just had a neutral and bored expression but Mark literally looked angry and annoyed. Thinking that it was just me, I ignored my friend and I just walked towards them. On the ground was this super fluffy hamster bear stuffed animal (it's a dream people so IDK why it was there), so I picked it up and kinda hid my face behind it because I was so happppyyyyy. I basically was like, "Hi!!" And like Mark just kind of stared at me with an annoyed look, Bam just like smiled, but I was facing Mark, so I could see his expression clearly. He was crossing his arms and he just kind of silently judged me, so I started putting the bear on the ground, and I felt like it wasn't a fan meeting but it just so happens that they were there and was waiting for something. Mark still didn't say anything, and Bam was like looking in his direction so I was like, "I'm sorry that I bothered you guys. I guess now is not a good time. I'll come back later..."
You see JB's autograph, it was something
along the lines of that. Nothing similar
to Mark's original autograph.
Then when I was about to go to where my friend was sitting, Mark stood up and like awkwardly leaned against wall with his foot propped up and was like, "Did I meet your expectations on how I should act?" I was just like, "UHHHHHH... IDK what you mean broooooooooo...." So I was just like, "It's totally cool if you aren't feeling like meeting fans today, I'm totally cool with that. You don't need to meet anyone's expectations." Mark is just like, "Everyday I'm forced to do all this stuff and I get thrown on to these things without a warning, and it just sucks." I nodded along... My brain finally decided to give me a background on what I was doing hanging out with Mark, so my school was on a cruise and Mark was on the same cruise. I felt like my parents were there but they were just not around. Mark then was like, "Since you're here, do you want to sit with us?" I replied, "Uh sure, let me go and drop my stuff off." I don't even know why I had to drop my stuff off because my friends' table was like two feet away.... BUT I did. And they were taking a picture without me, so I had to photo bomb that picture, but then by the time that I went back to Mark's table, there was already another girl asking for his autograph, and I saw how he wrote a bunnnnchhhh of stuff for her, so I'm guessing that he was back to being happy again. NOPE. I went up to him with my cell phone case and he was like, "What do you want me to write?" GUESS WHAT I SAID?? FACEEEEPAAALLLMMMMM... I SAID, "Write what you wrote for her."

WHY??? WHY?????? I SHOULD HAVE JUST SAID, "YOUR AUTOGRAPH" THEN IT WOULD HAVE BEEN THE END OF IT. He didn't write anything at all and he just stood up and asked me, "There is this dinner thing on the top deck. You wanna go?" I guess???? SIGN MY CELLPHONE CASE PLEZ!! Again, NOPE.
We went up to the top deck and by this point the cruise ship stopped right next to a beach, we could see the people on the sand and it was just a awesome view. There was a suppperrrr long table set up with a white table cloth covering. Mark was sitting on the other side, he even left the ship for a while to go fly a kite, but then he came back and he was like, "You want that autograph now?" and I was just like, "YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS" He signed it and wrote something like "I had fun." Or something like that and just when I was about to ask Bam for his autograph, I WOKE UP. This realllllyyyy saddened me because I woke up BY MYSELF, WITHOUT ANY ALARM CLOCK OR NOTHING LIKE THAT, LIKE I JUST WOKE UP!! This dream was even more perfect than the last one. Like I got to spend about two hours with Mark even if it's just in my dreams. I was mostly disappointed because it was a dream, and like I didn't actually meet them, especially Bam who was completely silent for the whole time. This dream was so vivid that I could feel the wind blowing and the smells of the sea + BBQ + the noodles. I never wanted it to end. Until next time, stay cool ma beans. 

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