First Day of School: I am having Suicidal Ideas...

11:30 PM

You know ma beans... I did originally have a post for Summer Mondays since it was the last Monday that you guys spend with me... But guess who took that post away?? That's right AP English took that post away, so if you guys want to blame anyone blame the people who assigned the summer assignments that are due on the first day of school. Since you guys couldn't experience my classes with me... I thought I bring you along...

Period 1:
I was stuck in traffic at around 7:45, which is pretty early for me considering the fact that I normally arrive at school late. So I grabbed my backpack and speed walked awkwardly to my first period class which is Honors U.S. History. I read some pretty negative reviews about this teacher, so I didn't have my hopes up. On my way, I found my friend who had the same first period and we walked to class together happily because we both knew that we could be screwed together. My teacher was pretty young, except she got out of breath from pacing in a 5 feet area (for obvious reasons that I will not mention). Knowing that my annotations for my AP English class is still not legit, I tried to squeeze in a few sticky notes here and there only to have her stop me because she was explaining how to survive Junior Year. Yes I appreciate you for explaining but honestly these advice do not apply for me. Let me give you an example, one of them was: Take the courses that will help you in your major. Yea okay... Like anyone is going to do that... Everyone takes 3-4 APs and yet you suggest that we only take the two that pertains to my major?? I seriously don't. NO. But I closed my book, accepting the fact that I was going to fail anyways and continued listening to her lecture. 
Period 2: 
Yup... It's AP English... My two classes are on opposite sides of the campus so I was almost late because I was walking with my friends but I made it just in time. I took a seat in the back to only have her change our seats. There is this guy in my class who I think should be in regular English not because he's not smart enough but because of how frazzled he already was on the first day. He sits down one seat away from me with the popular people and he asks loudly, "WHY DO PEOPLE HAVE TABS IN THEIR BOOKS?? DID WE HAVE TO HAVE THOSE??" Then people responded with, "Don't you mean sticky notes??" Then while I was praying that I won't be seated next to him, she assigned me to the seat right next to him. We then had to use Chromebooks (Google powered laptops), this guy had a Chromebook under his chair but he didn't look, got up and got another laptop. Since we have the exact amount, someone else didn't get theirs, so I had to point out that he had one underneath him. It's gonna be a long year... Not only the guy is annoying but also my AP English teacher is the same thing as my AP Bio teacher... THEY BOTH CHANGE THE DIRECTIONS THAT THEY GIVE OUT AND THEY ARE AMBIGUOUS TO THE MAX!! She literally told Period 1 one thing, then Period 2 another. I don't understand why teachers are less organized than students.
Period 3: 
YAYAYAYAYYAY AP Environmental Science?? no. I was seated with 3 Senior GUYS with one of them being my speech and debate captain who didn't even know my name. The guy to my left is one of the most awkward people I have ever met. That's right... He is even more awkward than me. In APES for the first week it is all about team bonding where we do activities to improve teamwork, and so... We did an activity where we had to stand up by linking everyone's hands together... SO THAT MEANS HOLDING HANDS TEMPORARILY RIGHHHTTT??? Nope.. While we were deciding how to work out the hand hold, he was still holding my hand while holding another person's hand... DUDE... LETTTT GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO... I cannot emphasize enough on how awkward all these guys are... Literally there is this guy in that same class who makes awkward eye contact with me every single time I turn around.... Please just say "hi" or just don't stare...
Period 4: 
It's AP Chinese with the same people and the same teacher... Whooppiiiieee... I sat at a table with the people who are wannabes and are also not very smart... so time to switch seats tomorrow. I can't handle a full year of fakeness. 
Period 5: 
Art Honors is equally awkward because I'm the only sophomore who got in through my profolio and not through the class before.... #feelingexclusive In that class... You literally get to do whatever you want, just pain and sketch all day. Working on that profolio. 
Period 6: 
For math I got the same math teacher again. She seems to have a very good memory of me... I don't know how or why... But she does!! So I guess I'm getting good grades this year!! I got my math award and everything went back to Sophomore year.
It's hard to believe that I'm a Junior already... If you guys want I can post up what I was originally going to write for Summer Mondays but I might not at the same time because I'm too busy with my AP classes. Thank you guys so much for being with me every single day of my horrible year. Until next time stay cool ma beans. 

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