Reaction Tuesday: Because I'm the Best

9:00 AM

OLO ma beans!!! Welcome to another REAACCTIOONNN TUESDAY!!! This is the last Reaction Tuesday.... Before school starts.... I got you didn't I.... Sorry.... SO FINALLY ENDING THIS SUMMER ON A HIGH NOTE... HYUNA HAD A COMEBACK!!! 
I'll give you guys a minute for this to sink in because I love Hyuna. She's always been my woman crush. Honestly my list of KPop female crushes goes on and on... In comparison to many of you, I only met her when she came out with Red... Which gave me a veerrryyyyy good impression of her. When you listen to her songs, listen for the word "red" in Korean which is pronounced "ppalgaeyo".
Do you see this ma baby?? Noona and dongsaeng relationship?? Who cares... 
She pronounces it amazingly. Before I even go on to the song, you guys have to realize how amazing it is to have Ilhoon be featured in this song. BtoB used to be a group that I didn't listen to. Not because I don't like them but because there haven't been a song where I'm like "WOW" and I only know like one of their members from We Got Married... So if you guys know some good BtoB songs please recommend and leave the song name down below!! Leave it in a different language... I'll use google translate to understand.... LOL... ILHOON THOUGH... He's so attractive...
Why are you note getting more tattoos??
Those abs and dat face. #praise Song wise... It's another wonderful Hyuna styled song with a break down and loads of rapping that's not the same style as CL. If someone else sang it, the song wouldn't be the same. The lyrics for this song is not meaningless but "everyone is jealous of me"??
I'd be jealous of both of you
I know that's only the beginning of the song but wow... Okay... Then she just says the whole "accept me for who I am because I'm better than you." Okay for that too... I guess a little confidence boost always helps. Ilhoon rapping skills are just amazing. Nothing to say there except support BtoB. Ilhoon kind of remind me of No Min Woo.... KINNNDDD OOOFFFF.... The choreography for the MV was not as sexual as her last concepts except she started twerking and I just didn't know how to feel about that because she did it in Red but she passed off as typical dancing but then she twerked for real this time and it's just something expected but unexpected at the same time. The MV concept was her controlling people by starting with the leashed girls.... Fifty Shades of Grey all of a sudden comes into mind.
A little too Miley Cyrus... 
The styling for this outfit is definitely perfect. Her teal hair brings out her pale skin while her white shirt shows her signature style. But you see... If you scroll to the chorus of the song... You will see that all she's wearing is a pink bra and jeans. Yes her legs looks amazing and I've tried to find something unique about the outfit but it's literally just a bra and jeans. I guess they ran out of ideas... Out of ten stars I want to rate the song 9 out of ten because although it's perfect, it's only good because it's by Hyuna, no one could pull off the style that comes with this song. Until next time, stay cool ma beans!!

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