Double T: Everything is going to be okay. I promise.

12:17 PM

It's my Junior year of high school and this means that it is also a bunch of people's Junior year from all around the world. I used to be one of those people who cared about other people's grades and how they are performing in school.

I was competitive. I would ask my friends for THEIR grades on the same assignments, what classes THEY were taking, what extracurricular THEY were doing, whether THEY scored lower or higher than me on a test. I thought that the only way for me to get into college was to perform better than everyone else and that's not true. There are always going to be people better than you, and people who are going to be lacking in comparison to you, but it is the most important thing to calm down and focus on YOUR life. 
Before I didn't really explore what I can do well and what I'm lacking in. 
So what is the purpose of high school? It is four years that is part of the passage to lead you to your dream job and your dream college and to explore what YOU are good at. So why was I trying to figure out what other people were good at? I decided to focus on my life and this year I am continuing with AP English because I enjoy writing. I might not major in it but it is something that I'm good at. I'm also not taking a Honors Math course because I know that I'm limited in math. EACH OF YOU can make the same decisions if you just took the time to think everything through. Breath and let's begin. 

Yes I am worried about college as much as everyone one of you. But realize that first: Junior year is the most crucial year of high school, there is already a lot of stress on you, so why are you trying to stress out even more by looking into the future?
You have a full year starting right this second before you have to even start thinking about applying to college, so don't even think that far ahead. It wouldn't help you in anyway but stress you out. Second: With the amount of time that you spent thinking about the future, you could be doing something productive to change it. Maybe you're like, "OMG I'M NEVER GOING TO GET INTO COLLEGE!!! AHHHHHH..."
Why don't you do something to change that thought? I know that it's hard to find something unique to do but don't go and find something that you aren't interested in. If you don't know what you can do to improve your school life, improve your social life, clean your room, do something productive. 
One thing that I took away from this summer is to think of the present and that we'll cross that bridge when it gets right in front of us. There is no use in competing because there are always someone who is better or talented than you in something, that's when you point to yourself and say, "I'm better than this person at ____ ." Just know that you are more skilled in someone at something, and that's enough. I know many talented people, people who are good at everything like ballet, piano, art, and school in general but because I was so competitive I used to think that I was better than everyone else. That's not okay to me, because really, everyone is good at something and you just have to find it.
Even if there might be others who are better than you, you might be a inspiration to someone. You might also be like, "WAIT BUT I DON'T HAVE A TALENT." WELLLLL.... It's time for you to find something that can take the stress away, that's what your talent is. 
What am I doing?
It's dumb to give advice and not following it, so I am trying to focus on the present and not stress out as much. Take things one step at a time and I'm trying not to ask my friends about their grades and what they're doing because that just stresses me out even more. Until next time, stay cool ma beans. 

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