WTF Wednesday: Warehouse Wholesale Market Horror Story

9:00 AM

Alright, I haven't had any personal WTF stories because honestly I haven't been in any shocking incidents recently but this week I have a great story for you guys. As you all know, I'm not willing enough to buy clothing that is straight off of the rack, meaning, I don't buy anything that is $20 or more since I'm saving up for college.

I know shocking how I could find cheap but high quality things for less than $20 since mostly every good brand only offers things that are $20 or more. I will show you guys how on this week's Q&A Thursday. Sometimes instead of visiting department stores, I would go to yard sales in hopes of finding new, unopened items for around $2, most of the time though I'm not successful. There is this thing, I don't think anyone knows about these "warehouse wholesale markets" which is basically stuff from department stores that is already at a discounted price, gets distributed into these warehouses and sold for even less.
For example, a pair of clearance sunglasses by Steve Madden is on clearance at Marshalls for $3.00 that's already like 75% off of the original price but after a certain amount of time when no one buys this pair of sunglasses because of some defect, they will be shipped and sold in a warehouse for $0.50. Last weekend, I went to one of these. It was actually my first time and I didn't know about these warehouses either, it was actually my mom who found this on Craigslist. I know, it already sounds shady, but anyways, I tagged along with her because on the pictures, the place didn't look that bad. OH MA LORD. The "warehouse" was basically a huge garage.
I have nothing against downtown LA but you guys all know how it is a place that is pretty dangerous with gangs and stuff like that. This warehouse is in the shadiest part of El Monte which is a pretty worn down city for all of my LA readers and I don't go there often. When we were driving there, I just noticed how the sidewalks became thinner and eventually it disappeared, then the road became bumpy and the houses all had barbed wire fences, and graffiti everywhere. Shiver shiver. After making many many many turns, we finally reached the warehouse which had barely any people and a sign with holes on it that read: SALE TODAY!! Uhhhhhhh.... As we drove into the parking lot, there was signs that read: BEWARE OF DOG everywhere.
The inside was even worse, the first part was all mom jeans, and when you walked in more, there was opened packages and half used shampoo. Yea they were all Calvin Klein and Tommy Hilfiger but they were all the things that no one else wanted. The clearance sunglasses were all broken, and the toys were all opened. The worst part was, the owner of the "warehouse" appeared very threatening and scary. The place didn't look like what would be a part of LA. I didn't buy anything there but I breathed some gas tasting oxygen and then immediately walked out. I think I'm just going to stick to my yard sales, thank YOU very much. Until next time, stay cool ma beans. 

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