Summer Mondays: The Small Things in Life

9:00 AM

Normally, I usually write negative things on here because that's the only way for me to get rid of my negativity but sometimes, the most important things are the small things.

This whole summer, my best guy friend was in China attending his sister's wedding, and this weekend he finally came back. I didn't realize how much I missed his company even though it was only for 2 hours. To demonstrate this even more, while I was at TJMaxx, one of two things happened. On Saturday, I curled my hair for the second time with my new flexible sticks (IDK what they are called) and I thought I looked pretty awkward because when I got to TJMaxx, my curls all fell out and I felt fat after eating dinner. However, while I was pushing through the clothes, I looked up, and this cute guy was putting on his sweater, and he was staring straight at me. He had noticed me. The fact that he noticed me, made me happy.
He was cute, yes, but the fact that someone noticed and maybe thought, "She looks attractive." He then smiled and put on his hoodie. This little gesture makes it worth it for me to dress up, and look nice. It's the feeling as if you do look attractive to someone, or the fact that you caught someone's attention in a positive way just makes your day a whole lot better. Since this guy stared at me, I thought I would pass on the attention to someone else. Normally staff who works at the fitting room counter are really grouchy in department stores, especially in Ross as I've mentioned before. This time, the woman working at the counter was not greeting any of the customers, nor was she counting the clothes without slamming the hangers together.
When it came to my turn, I complimented her on her nail polish, and she immediately just smiled. I didn't know that it was possible to change someone's attitude with one sentence. Just one sentence. It amazed me the amount of impact I have on a person's life. So just until school starts, whenever someone changes your day in a positive light. Make sure you pass on the favor and tag me on Instagram: @ahandherbeans . Yes I deactivated my KPop account, and gave you guys this account. Until next time, stay cool ma beans. 

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