Summer Mondays: First Rant Ever

1:41 AM

Guess where I'm writing from?? My bed. At 1:22 AM. Ha. Normally I don't have rants on Mondays because I usually don't do much on weekend with social media. BUT OH MY G!!! I NEED TO RANT!!!!! 
Okay so there is this girl (B), who is extreeeemmmeeeeelllyyyy close with someone from KPop group A. I will not name her. This girl goes to the same school as me and she knows someone from A. She graduated the same year as my best besssstttt friend and she has a YouTube channel where she does covers. There is a member from A called C, so C has a little brother called D. B went to the same school as C.
I am so annoyed at her for 2 reasons... JUST 2. 1st: she's been to homecoming/prom/whatever formal dance that I have at my school with both C AND D. The thing that bothers me is that they are siblings and D is not famous, and so why are you going with C and then going with his little brother?? Are you just trying to use his fame for something?? Just imagine this conversation going on without you... D: "Hey, I asked someone to homecoming today." C: "Oh yea who??" D: "The girl you went with last year. Don't worry though, we're just friends."
Just imagine having that conversation with anyone. I just realized that "D:" looks like my expression while I was thinking this through. 2nd: Why do you use the hashtag "imissyou" when you wished him happy birthday?? In addition to that, what's with the quote on your Tumblr??
The quote was basically something along the lines of "I hear your music on the radio and you sing about how you love a girl. Although you've never told me, I know that you love me." Bro. The fact that C's fans know that you know him means that we are going to interpret it as you thinking that he "loves" you. I'm sorry for being so bitter but it's just the truth. Fans are going to be like "are you dating him????" and then you are going to be like "oh nah we are just friends" so why are you doing this in the first place?? Why are you using these quotes??? Like couldn't you picked something more educational and inspiring like a quote by Albert Einstein. #muchwow
Do you see all of the annoyed GIFs that I used?? Yea... I'm this annoyed. 
The hashtag... I get it, you guys are close and you really do miss him but just putting it out there, he's in Korea and you are here, he doesn't visit you anymore. You want to get his attention or get more followers, you might have to do that on your own, through your YouTube channel, stop trying to use him and his family as a source of popularity for you to gain followers because you are friends with him. You guys have no idea how annoyed I was yesterday about this situation. UGH. With all negativity aside, she's actually really pretty and she went to a good college so much goals. I hope that one comment made me a better person. Probably not... But if you guys wanted positivity and perfection, you wouldn't be here... You would be on YouTube!!! Until next time, stay cool ma beans!!

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