Dream Journal: Everything I've Ever Wanted

9:00 AM

You know what happened today when I checked this blog??You guys literally read all of my posts for the past few days over night... I basically got my all time highest view per day!!

You beans are seriously awesome for taking the time to just click on my blog when you get the chance and I love you for that. I want to give a shout out to ma Brazilian beans! From my stats, you guys are ranked second after my US beans!! You beans are seriously awesome!! 
I wanted to start this dream journal to find patterns in my dreams. I got this idea from my Facebook wall which is covered with Horoscopes stuff, memes, and Tumblr pictures. I clicked on one of those "Suggested pages" which normally is some weird fitness training program near me (plez... I horizontally run like Fat Amy). And it was like, "HOW TO INTERPRET YOUR DREAMS!!" I got super excited and that leads us to today... Where I will tell you guys the best dream that I had last night. Most of the time, the memory of the dream is lost the first 10 minutes that you wake up so you have to write it down as soon as possible. 
This dream starts with my mom and I who are on a pretty shady street.The background was that we lived in a society where the lower class lives in a confined area while the rich lives in their area. And the poor people houses surrounds the wealthy. It turns out that at the border, the rich is building a HUMONGOUS and by HUMONGOUS I MEAN HUMONGOUS!!
Imagine when you look up, half of the sky is filled with
this kind of coloring and all of the stores looks like this.
The shopping center probably covered about 100 acres and it's a place where both the poor and rich can go. The whole shopping center is decorated like Forever21, which is white, sparkling, and glass. It was sticking out among the one story high terracotta housing. I know, I know... I'm not actually that poor... LOL I probably was dreaming about this because I watched my AP Chinese movie before bed... and it was a VEEERRYYYYY old movie.... Like adult males were wearing tight sweat pants old.... Anyways, my mom was wearing a long black skirt and pulling me to the border where the store was opening that day. There was so many people who wanted to go, and my mom being the awesome person that she was reserved a hotel near the shopping center where the mall was about to open, so we could be the first ones to explore it. The "wealthy" included KPop stars, yes that's right GOT7 was living in the same hotel as me. I felt pretty awesome about that. It turns out that my room was right next door to GOT7's room. Why would they be living in a shabby hotel?? STOP TRYING TO RUIN DIS YOU PEOPEL!! LET IT PLAY OUT IN MY HEAD!! You guys would like the dream so much better this way. For some reason, FOR SOME ODD REASON... I supposidly knew them and I spoke to them before... Especially Mark... Yes....
I want this dude as my older brother plez... 
I watched RealGOT7 before I went to bed. They invited me over to hang out.... See how I put that without quotes?? YEA NOTHING HAPPENED EXCEPT FOR HANGING OUT!! What kind of sick pervert do you think I am?? HUH?? I went to their room. Their hotel room is the same as the mall, everything is this blinding white except for the shelves of books they have, and a white arm chair. They were sleeping on bunk beds and of course that didn't make sense either since there was so much space left in that room. They showed me their books and we went shopping. They first took me to the mall, where we went to a make up store and we looked at jewelry. Surprisingly, YuGyeom was realllllyyyy cute... Like I only remember YuGyeom and Mark.
There are no longer perks to being an only child. 
It felt like I was like a younger sister that they were taking care of for that day. I WANT OLDER BROTHERS LIKE THAT!! Doesn't everyone.... Afterwards, they told me that they had to plan for a fan meeting and they needed my help. OKAY THIS NOW SOUNDS LIKE DORA... After we decorated, they signed with fans while I welcomed the fans. During the meeting, their friends came also, and everyone dined together, but when I wanted to take a picture, one of the security ladies took my phone away. I woke up soon after knowing that I couldn't take a picture of them. It was such a perfect dream, just hanging out with GOT7... Like next time, I wish I can dream about EXO!!! Until next time, stay cool ma beans!!

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