Reaction Tuesday: TEEN TOP

9:00 AM

So these dudes had a comeback... And I'm here to talk about it... RREEEELLLUCCCTTAAANNTTTTT....
Honestly I don't reallllyyy like like any of them. They all are mediocre looking people until they start dancing. Well here goes nothing. I became obsessed with their song because it kept on popping up everywhere... On my SoundCloud, and on YouTube. MBC Music Core had them, and the fact that I keep on hearing the beginning of the song, I became obsessed with just the beginning of the song, so I finally decided to listened to the whole thing AND I watched BOTH versions of the MV. Notice how I bold those words, yea... I put a lot of effort into stalking them. I even watched their Weekly Idol. My bias in the group is probably L.Joe or Chang Jo...
I always go for the maknae and this maknae is scary young. He's only 4 years older than me. Derhhhhh... The beat for this song is unbelievably catchy and when I saw them dancing... I was hooked. Honestly their choreography is amazing. Fast foot work and awesome arm gestures.
They could be the next BTS... Butttttt then when you look at L.Joe or Niel or Ricky while they dance, their expressions looks so awkward. I felt so embarrassed. The next sucky thing about the MV is that there are no English subs so I can get the basic gist of what they are singing about, from Weekly Idol, they explained that its about dedicating their lives to this girl from day to day... Okay dudes okay... But have you seen the girls in your MV?? Their stomachs are protruding out of their high-waisted shorts. Like you guys are filming a MV, get the same girls that the other companies use or at least get some that are fitting for such a good group. Their facial expression are almost bored. UH EXCUZE MUOOOO?? I would like to volunteer myself in the music video and even though I'm super fat, at least I still will have a positive attitude.
Out of 10, I rate this song + MV a 7/10 because it was too typical of a song, but since they have legit moves, let's boost that up. Until next time, just listen to this song and stay cool ma beans. 

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