DTD: On the Road Again

9:21 PM

I need to first apologize because I am pretty sure that this post is not going to upload on time. Here is the thing, I'm literally spending this whole day on a van with my family and most of the highway is between mountains, so there is no signal = no data. So right now it's 6:30 and just woke up... Yes we are leaving this early, the whole driving time is about 5-6 hours and I need to take care of ma cats and their poop and stuff... So that's some extra time. It's now 9:36 and we are finally getting on the freeway. We usually take our sweet time before leaving so we can make sure that we didn't forget anything. It's now 2 hours into the trip and I've seen a heck lot of farm land... and cows.... OOOOO SOME SHEEPPPPPP.... And I just saw a sign that says, "No water = no jobs" Oh the CA drought.... San Francisco please lend us some of your fog. This is the last hour of driving before we reach the hotel... My butt is cramping and my drama is getting boring... YAY!! WE ARE FINALLLYYYY HERE!! The hotel room is close to the beach but not next to it... It takes about 10 minutes to get there. It's a small and family owned hotel, so not one of the big ones. The Wifi is super slow though, so I don't think I can upload any posts while I'm here.... UGGGGHHHHHHHH... Don't worry... I'll write everything on my phone so I can post it later. The room is super stuffy but it's much cooler than LA where at night time it's still 98 degrees. WOWWOWOWOW this is just wonderful, okay so there was this chair that I was sitting in while I was eating dinner and when I pulled the chair to move it closer to the table... The cushion and the frame came apart and I squished my finger reallllllyyy hard. UGHHHHH I'm in pain..... Okay now I'm currently at the beach 10 minutes from my hotel and it's awesome. There are sea lions and otters everywhere.... I AM SO DONE WITH THEIR WEIRD BARKING NOISES!! They are so adorable!! I think I'm going to sign off for tonight. We still have two more days... Until next time, stay cool ma beans!! 

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