DTD: Museums + Completely White Beach + Funeral

10:30 PM

After grabbing a free breakfast that comes with the room... We headed to the Carmel Mission where I took the time to read my AP English book while sitting in the garden, of course after I walked through the mission TWICE!! I thought the mission was going to be the same size as the previous ones that I've visited but it's a lot smaller and a lot of the rooms were closed. This mission was super generous because all of the visitors were allowed to pay a donation as a entrance fee rather than purchasing tickets. The weather there was fleek... So much better than LA.... There was sunlight and no fog but the weather was still in the 70s. Afterwards we head to the down town, and looked through the little shops that cost $30 for a T-shirt. Yup... Didn't buy anything besides a magnet... Yea... I'm super cheap....Anyways I then took a hike to a beach that is completely covered in fog... THE SAND WAS WHITE!!! I don't understand... It was beautiful... The fog made my hair wet because it was so concentrated and my skin was super pale and soft. I love that beach.... BUT THEN... BUT THEN... Through the pictures and happiness... I lost my favorite earphones. They were a bright pink pair... And so I now cannot use my earphones until I go to school because I think I'm gonna lose them again. I mourned over my earphones for the rest of the trip.... I am tired from hiking so Imma leave you guys to stay up... Until next time, stay cool ma beans!! 

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