DTD: Heading Back

1:03 AM

My physical vacation day was literally one day... not joking what so ever. Today we are heading back to LA... Where the weather is dry and warm... Don't forget!! We don't have water either... soooo whoooppiiiieeeedooooooo!! We got up this morning, checked out at 9:30 and left to head to Pebble Beach and the 17 Mile Drive. I guess it count as another day.... but we are just going to different tourist attractions on the way. The sucky thing about this tourist attraction was that it is on private property so like it costs money to go inside. Then when you actually drive inside for like 10 miles, there is no parking spaces what so ever.... The beach itself was beautiful!! It was kind of like the white beach I went to yesterday but instead the fog was not there and you could actually see the color of the ocean. Once you park there would be "pebbles"/gardening rocks near the end of the beach, and if you look to your left, there is a cliff with a bunch of boulders underneath and there are a bunch of sea birds on there. Right behind you are the huge personal homes of the wealthy. Each of the houses covers a mountain.... *Cries* Soon after we continued driving to a McDonalds and at around 5:00 pm we got there. We could have gotten there at like 3 but my parents stopped at different cliffs to take pictures... What was I doing on the car you ask?? Well... I was watching a drama and taking naps. At about 1 in the morning we arrived at home and I unpacked... Good night ma beans and see you tomorrow!! Until next time, stay cool ma beans!! 

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