Summer Mondays: Shoppings Disease

12:16 PM

I diagnosed myself with shoppings disease. Symptoms include: excessively shopping, the urge to add many things to cart, wanting to buy anything you see, and hosting yard sales to get rid of old clothes.

I'm talking about this kinda shirt...
I don't know when this disease got a hold of me, but let me tell you how I got infected. One of my friends was actually infected first, she started changing her wardrobe into a more black and white vibe + Tumblr + Pinterest vibe. To me that's what many of us wear everyday, like black shirts, shorts, and flip flops but she used to be the super feminine type. All she wore was those Korea manufactured clothing consisting of lace, dirty pinks, and poka dots, so when she changed her style, it totally caught me off guard. And since shes's so skinny and tall, I thought that what she was wearing was totally my style.
This is basically her...
I didn't change my clothing, but I started buying things that are a lot more mature (in my opinion). Before I used to wear bright colors like neons, hot pinks, sapphire blues, oranges, and greens, but nowwwwww my closet consists of greys, blacks, jean type fannels, and whites. Ever since then, I had the urge to buy something every single time that I go out and almost every week, I have the urge to go online shopping and add stuff to my Amazon cart. You would think that this disease only affect clothes shopping, this weekend I bought: 24 pack pens, 1 sticker sheet of tattoos, 1 white shirt from Target, 1 new student planner, 1 shirt, sandals, crew neck from Hollister. I AM SHOPPING TO MUCH!! Last week I bought 4 cell phone cases, and 4 pencil pouches ALL AT ONCE!! To make up for the money that I spent (also I want to clean my room) I am going to be hosting a yard sale the same weekend where I'm getting my ears pierced. My desk is over flowing with pens, pencils, and papers, maybe I can sell all of that. I suggest all you beans should host your own yard sales, I might go... Until next time, stay cool ma beans. 

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