4:20 PM

I've been wanting my ears to be pierced for a realllllyyyy long time. I was about to get them done last summer with my mom but then she had a small surgery and she wasn't feeling well, so she didn't do them, and I got wimpy so I just used that as an excuse to not get my ears pierced.

BUT THIS SUMMER I AM GOING TO GET THEM PIERCED!! I am planning on getting them done next Sunday... Not this Sunday... The following one... My mom has three days off next Wednesday, so we are going to take a 5 hour road trip to somewhere near San Fransisco, it's not that I don't want to tell you guys the exact location, but I genuinely don't know... I was planning on getting them done this Sunday, but I didn't want to bring the solution to clean it during the trip and I didn't want my new near holes to get dirty and infected on the way. I am planning on getting them done at Claires. I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT!! DON' TRY TO FREAK ME OUT!!
Yes I have done my research about their piercings, blah blah blah "my daughter's ears got infected." "they were inexperienced" "they were uneven"... etc etc.... Here is the thing, I am old enough to tend to my wounds, I have gotten 4 surgeries before so I have a very high tolerance for pain (fun story: in one of the story, the area where they were performing surgery on, they didn't have anesthetic, so the doctor literally burned my skin off while I was fully conscious, in another surgery I was almost paralyzed...) Three of my friends have gotten their ears pierced at Claires and their ears didn't get infected or fell off. Even when the person messed up with her piercing and the first hole didn't puncture through, they gave her an extra piercing for free!! And she looks awesome with her diamond studs. It wasn't infected or did it hurt. I am not scared of the piercing but what happens after, I'm afraid that when I shower I would get them infected, or when I sleep on them it would hurt, or my earring might be stuck to my ear because I didn't twist it enough times. *Shiver shiver cringe cringe.* Either way, I'm getting my ears pierced, and you will definitely get a first hand, DETAILED experience. 

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