Q&A Thursday: Night Routine

9:39 PM

Since it's summer and you have all survived the last five weeks with me with Project Inspiration and so it's back to the good old times when you guys send me questions for Q&A Thursday. So this week, you guys asked for a night routine... Well then here it is...
Q: Do you wear lotion or anything on your face when you go to bed?
A: I moisturize in the morning with Shiseido toner and this matifying moisturizer also from their brand. But you are asking me about my night routine. The weather in CA is reallllllyyyy dry and warm and I have extremely oily skin, so during the summer nights, I don't moisturize because the next day, even without any lotion, my face will be oily. Some times before my moon cycle I would get pimples and when that happens I would just apply aloe vera to my face and the next day it would be all better. To answer your question, no... I do not wear anything on my face.

Q: Do you prefer a softer face wash or a more cleansing face wash?
A: Honestly I only have a gist of what you are asking, I guess I prefer to use a more cleansing face wash... Like the ones that strips your skin of everything after the wash and your face feels really clean. I have used three face wash so far: 

I am currently using this one and it sucks,
despite all of the YouTube commercials
This is Shiseido's classic face wash
and it does exactly what I said it does.

This is their new one... It is super smooth
and it serves it's purpose.

Q: What do you do before you sleep?
A: Very broad, I like it!!! Ugh why am I so creepy... I usually do my eye exercises... Yea I am creepy that way and also because I am super blind as you know and I just don't want my eye sight to get any worse. I am also a night shower-er so I would wash my hair... And of course I would brush my teeth!!
Q: Do you use lotion?
A: A lot of my friends don't use body lotion or hand lotion. I always use body lotion after I shower because if I don't I feel really dry, but the weird thing is, I don't use hand lotion because I have sweaty hands so yea... GROSSS....
Q: Do you eat anything before bed?
A: I have never ate anything before bed or during the night. When I was small I used to drink milk before I went to bed but then I stopped because I don't like milk even though it's good for you. I would eat fruits... At least one small rice bowl... IDK how to measure that... But yea... Like a full apple or something... Because I LOVE FRUITS!! 
Q: How long do you use your phone before you sleep?
A: Blue light is what keeps you awake and that is emitted from your phone, so the longer you have your phone the harder to sleep. This is why I sleep at like one or two everyday. I usually go to bed around 11-12 normally and I would probably use my phone until 1:50 to 2:00 but never past 2:00. I don't even know why I think that's a good thing but it's better than before where I would stay up until 3... 
And that's all of the questions that I picked... Sorry guys.... Because most of the questions are pretty broad, I just picked from questions that covered the most items!! I hope this will helped you guys?? Until next time, stay cool ma beans and moisturize!! ;)

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