WTF Wednesday: 花儿与少年

1:55 PM

As you know, I started watching Divas Hit the Road Season 2 because my baby 杨洋 is in it. I am on Episode 4 which is basically the first 6 days of their trip, and so much stuff have happened. Let me first tell you what show is is show is about, it's basically 7 celebrities traveling together. So for this season, one of the actresses that was on last season is the tour guide, her name is 邓爽. By the 2nd episode, she already had two breakdowns and in episode 3, she lost 杨洋. They are currently traveling in England, and so they were taking rowing lessons with this club, and after they were done, 4 of the people would go back first, and the last 3 would go back, but the thing is both 宁静 and 许晴 came back early, and they forgot about 杨洋. Once everyone got home, they realized that 杨洋 wasn't there and so instead of looking for him right away, 邓爽 assumed that he had the iPad, the address to their hotel, and since he is the "human GPS" and has a good direction to get to places, then he should be fine. When the other members wanted to insist that they should go and look for him, she told them to wait at home. While this was happening at the hotel, my baby 杨洋 was still waiting on the side of the road believing that his noonas are gonna pick him up. He waited until 9 and 邓爽 just bought food. And while she was down stairs picking up the delivery, she was like, "Should I go and look for him??" Then when 小井 came down stairs with Ivy to look for 杨洋,邓爽 was like "I feel so guilty that we forgot him." STOP TRYING TO GET PITY!! GO AND LOOK FOR HIM INSTEAD OF TRYING TO STALL FOR TIME AND "HOPE" THAT HE IS GOING TO COME BACK. It has always been your fault that this happened in the first place, so stop trying to get pity from other people. Shouldn't you realize that after three hours of waiting that he maybe doesn't have the stuff that you said he has, it's called logic. Finally when Ivy and 小井 found 杨洋, the only thing she said to him was "哦." Is that all??? You literally lost a person... and you can;y even apologize?? Ugh. She makes me want to slap her. I've never felt the needs to slap someone from a reality TV show but she just makes me hate her. Go watch the season here: Until next time, stay cool ma beans!!

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