Reaction Tuesday: EXO's Comeback

8:43 AM

EXO just had their comeback with LOVE ME RIGHT.

I don't like the album and I don't think that their comeback was made during the right time. I like LOVE ME RIGHT but the other songs are all pretty iffy. When the MV came out the first day I watched it for two straight hours because the song was so catchy. Because of the amount of times I watched the music video, I started noticing the small things that are absolutely stupid. Yes the MV was different and it did not include them dancing in a light box, but why is the theme football this time? They are literally too skinny to be football players and I don't get the whole walking through the woods and then seeing pink mist. I do like the graffiti wall that they walk next to. The distorted coloration throughout the whole thing, kinda caught me off guard.
This kind of reminded me of SHINee's View... Anyone?? Next on to the actual song, it's between Overdose and Call Me Baby, because it's not as catchy as them but because the song is from EXO, it's suppose to be good. I dislike what they were wearing in this video since all of them were in a striped suit, and so EWWWW GROOSSSS!! BUT THEN... The weird school boy/sexual Lay comes out... Lay, I like your abs and everything but please, everyone else is wearing a shirt and you just look out of place.
Seriously dude... What are you wearing??
SM also kind of turned this comeback into a marketing campaign for EXO, once the video reaches a certain amount of views, SM will release a clip of them, its cool and all but seriously?? That's kind of boring. Out of ten stars, I give this song a 6 just because Call Me Baby was really good. Until next time, get the views up on this song and stay cool ma beans. 

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