7:39 PM

Remember the F that I've mentioned to you guys a few days ago?? Well, I have some good news and some bad news. She decided to drop out of high school and go to a local community college. When did she drop out? Well about a week ago. She is now going to be away for a while. She supposedly passed the high school graduation test that allows her to get a high school diploma. But a question was raised: Will she be able to transfer? When someone goes to a community college, you are able to transfer once you stay there for two years, but that is for people who graduated high school and went to that college, so since she did that; will she be able to transfer? TBH, she is actually very rich, and can simply take over her dad's company but if she wants to go for a different direction, would she be able to succeed? The bad news is probably that due to her actions, most of her friends are thinking about the same thing. About three people are confirmed to be taking the test very soon. I think that personally this is not such a good idea just because when you are taking college courses + your normal high school courses, it is basically taking three to four AP classes, and even to me that seems like a nightmare. Tell me what you think on Tumblr because you guys will be able to comment anon. Until next time, stay cool ma beans. 

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