Weight Loss Challenge II: Week 2

9:00 AM

OLO ma beans!! Today is more of a rant than an update on where my weight is. If you follow me on Snapchat. Do you follow people on Snapchat or do you add them?? Hmmmmm I'm not sure...

She's me everyday even though I won't be as fierce
The first rant is probably a rant about how weak I am. I had a point with Snapchat... If you follow/added me on Snapchat, you probably know that I have been on vacation for the past week so I have not kept up with my diet. The thing is, when I'm road trippin, I just have snacks next to me that aren't necessarily healthy. You guys will be like "Why don't you have healthy snacks then?" Well it's probably because I want to enjoy my vacation and not constantly worry about what I'm eating so just count it as a cheat day(s). So sadly when I came back, I didn't lose any weight. This kind of makes me angry because last year when I did this challenge even during vacation, it sucked but at least I felt accomplished. Kind of disappointed in myself for the lack of improvement.
Weight loss is getting harder and harder because I can't control what I'm eating. UGH WHY MUST THERE BE SUCH GOOD FOOD!! Also the thing is I did not change the amount of Calorie intake so why am I getting more hungry?? I have no idea. The second rant is going to go on next week's WTF Wednesday and I will link it here when it comes out. Since I'm on summer break I haven't had anything interesting happen to me. I have two rants one about a creeper and another one about the gym that I go to but I'm still debating whether to post the creeper rant since he might read this... But you little creepers might just want me to tell you that story and I just might... Until next time stay cool ma beans!!

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  1. your first-world problem complaints keeps me always upbeat because you look like the typical narrow-minded American. I hope and bet that as a American, you will become offended, lash out at my replies, act like you are right and "who da fuck I think i am."

    1. I'm actually happy that you even took the time to write this comment. I'm not sure whether your comment was a compliment or was to bash me but I'm happy that you like my complaints? I guess you hoped wrong. What country are you from?


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