Q&A Thursday: Creative Ways to ask someone to Sadies

9:00 AM

OLO ma beans!! In the spirit of my on-going relationship troubles, I decided to help all of y'all guys and girls who has some kind of formal or dance coming up.... and have no creative way to ask them besides a corny pun (there is nothing against puns) and a poster. NO WORRIES!! I am here to help you!! Well hopefully I can help you... Let's get to it!!

Why didn't I use these gifs before...

Make a video!!
This is one of the most original ways where you don't see a lot because most of us don't have time. It actually does not take that long. Get some flash cards, write the message you want to write, some awesome background music, and dress up all purty. Film yourself flipping through the cards. BAM!! Creativity!! You don't even need to speak to that person.

Make a path in the school!!
I have actually only seen this once in my 4000 people high school so it is not that common and ABSOLUTELY the most ROMANTIQUE way into asking someone. Literally just tell whoever you are asking to wake up a little early and ask your friends to help you set up by drawing on the floor with chalk. I'm not sure if your school would allow this though so check with the administrators beforehand.

Ask teachers to help!!
This is for those bold souls out there... Just ask your teacher if you can come into your crush's classroom and again. 1 flower per period. Basically write a word on each flashcard and give it to them every period... until the last period of the day when you see them and ask!! SUPER ROMANTIC!!
And if you are bored enough, like one of my friends said: Just casually throw phrases like "Let's go to sadies?" and then brush it off. Her logic is that eventually they will have this thought in their mind...
I hope that I've at least helped a little bit... In the end if you guys are compatible, it doesn't matter how you ask them. As long as you ask, whoever it is will be happy. Happy Sadies. Until next time stay cool ma beans. 

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