EXO'LUTION #2 2016 Los Angeles: My Experience and What Went Down...

9:00 AM

This is going to be a series of posts and the main focus of this whole week. I wanted to fit everything in the this post but I can't. This concert is my first ever KPop concert and I paid big money for it. The ticket was $239 if I remember correctly because there was also a transaction fee BUT DANG IT WAS SOOOO WORTH!!

I have so, so many videos and stories and I just can't wait to share it all with you. I am probably going to post all of the videos on a another post because there are just too many. Literally I recorded the whole concert and I ran of space half way so I had to delete all my apps BUT STILL WORTH!! Just saying, I got the candy that Baekhyun touched and the head band that he touched... No big deal here... Also I was frrroonnnttt row so I have all the tips and tricks on how to get there.
I made eye contact with this God...
On this post is going to be: my experience and what happened at the concert. Then tomorrow I'm going to upload the tricks into getting front row seats (even though it's more like front row standing) and what the perks are of paying so much for the tickets. Later this week the videos of the concert is going to go up. But before I get to the main post... Gotta make my ma beans a little bit more jealous... Chanyeol and Chen both waved at me. Suho and Sehun were literally two steps away. I made eye contact with Kai and although Lay isn't here... The concert was da bommmbbbb.
Chen was literally in all of my videos...

OKAY now that y'all are done virtually hitting me, let me get to the post. Alright so when tickets went up I had one of my Kpop people buy it for me and I would call her my friend except I've never talked to her until this year. She got me GA4 Group 1 tickets so basically I was SUPPOSE (you'll find out why I use the word "suppose" in a sec) to be the 41th person in line. My other KPop friend (the one who literally touched every single KPop group) was there since twelve o'clock and so she told me to go early but since my mom was driving me, her limit was 3:30. The concert starts at 6:30 and MMT recommended the GA people to be 2 hours early so 4:30. I got there around 4:00 because there was a LA marathon and the traffic was terrible.
Since I got there so late, I couldn't meet up with any of my friends who were already in line so I got my hand stamped and the lady said that I could cut other people since I'm literally the first 100 people to get in so I tried. I ran my way through the line and everyone was super friendly but once I reached the semi-front which is like 1000 people, the line was clumped and I couldn't move any further so I was stuck there while people screamed at other people to move back. Behind me was this lady who was realllyyy angry because her daughter couldn't get through I guess she's super devoted but hey she respected my seat number and let me cut ahead. Once they started letting people in, I was around 50 people behind the gate so that's pretty chill and all hell broke lose when they started letting people into the stadium. I literally have the battle scars to prove it. Some girl gashed my arm with her poster but that didn't stop me.
Once I got inside, if I had shoved harder, I would have been the front row, front and center but then I just let a few people get past me since they were super angry and I slipped through. After making it into the actual stage area, I saw that the front row was already taken for the center, so I ran to the right side of the stage and got front row there. I was actually kind of disappointed that I didn't go to the center of the stage but my front row is so much better.... And I will tell you why in a second. After I got into the actual stage part, I waited for about another hour at least. And the show was pushed back thirty minutes until the whole thing started. During the show around 20 people fainted just around me and EXO kept on asking all of us to move back which is super sweet but the audience would listen then when they are next to the stage, then everyone would try to squeeze again. I am so glad that I chose the front row on the left side than second row on the center because first I am super short and the front row actually have clean air that you can breath in. Literally the people behind me were suffocating and some of the front row people are soooo tall. PLUS I was standing right in front of where Chanyeol gets off stage so I got to wave at him. Also there was an area of the stage where it was like stairs so the members could step a level lower for more interaction and the center people did not have that so I am suuuupppperr glad that I was where I was.
The negatives of this concert is probably the fact that MMT made this event super unorganized. I really hope they can do a better job next time so not so many people would get hurt. I hope you enjoyed this post, tomorrow's post is going to be how to score my ticket, how close I was and tips on how you can get the best seats in da house!! Until next time stay cool ma beans!!

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