Christmas Vacation 2015: College Visiting

12:19 AM

Wow... Even my winter break is boring... I'm still at the Double Tree by Hilton in Berkeley. Looking at the bay while blogging. I am seriously embracing this blogging life. On Friday we arrived at the hotel at around seven, I jogged and swam at the fitness center. I tired myself out so I wouldn't hear my grandmother snoring.

AND IT WORKED!! The next day we headed out to Berkeley and Stanford which is amazing because I got to see the colleges that I won't be able to get into. At Berkeley I spent the morning feeding the tons of squirrels that are on that campus. THEY ARE SO CUTE!! I swear these are the friendliest squirrels ever... They all ate crackers from my hands and jumped around me. I am not even joking but I felt like a princess. After lunch we drove to Stanford in which I strolled around the big campus, taking pictures like the Asian tourist I am. The campus was so big and ancient... I didn't like the school because it was really big but I might of had a different reaction if there were some students there so I could feel more like a student. At night I was able to visit the little town that I was living in and it was so nice besides the fact that I was freezing my butt off.
The last day of vacation, we stopped on the way at a lake... Which was super pretty because the field surrounding the lake was golllldeeennnn!! AND THERE WERE EITHER DEER OR REINDEER THERE LIKE SANTA IS REAL!! We got home around one in the morning. The downside of this whole vacation was the food. We literally ate fast food two meals a day and it is ridiculously expensive. Okay fast food cannot be over fifty dollars but the price was a looooott different from the fast food chain at home. The dollar menu was basically nonexistent and each burger was around three to seven dollars. EXCUSE ME!! If I want to eat mainstream fast food I should not have to pay this much for something that I would normally get for $1. I hope you guys get a chance to visit these places in the future. Until next time, stay cool ma beans and happy New Year!! 

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