Fan Interaction!!

9:00 AM

OLO ma beans!! Alrighty... Since I've reached 2.5K beans... I've been receiving loads more love from you beans and by love I mean: I've been scrolling through about 200 emails. (๑♡3♡๑) I'm taking the time to reply to all of you and answering yo questions and so I might be taking longer than usual.

Here is how comments and emails are going to work. Since emails are private and I want to interact with all of youuuuu: I am going to reply to comments first, then emails. If you have any important things that you need to answer as soon as possible, then comment on the posts... If I can't help you... All of the members of this bean army will be able to help you somehow. Let's get a discussion going about my life, yo life, her or his life!! I should be a professional riddle writer... Is that even a thing?? If you don't want to leave your name... THERE IS AN ANON BUTTON WHERE YOU CAN COMMENT ANONYMOUSLY!!! YAYAYYAYAYAYAAYAY!!
I want to hear what ma beans really have to say about my posts but DO NOT HATE ON OTHER BEAN MEMBERS!! We are a family/army... Feel free to hate on me but don't hate on each other. If anyone hate on another comment, I will revoke the anonymous button. Please click on this post multiple times because I want to move this to the top of my Popular Post column so new bean members can see this. Until next time, stay cool ma beans. 

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