Weekend Happenings: Homecoming Happened but I had BIG BANG

9:00 AM

This Saturday one of the worst and one of the best events happened. Lets hear the bad news first... My school's homecoming happened. It was filled with teenagers grinding, dark lights, and the student council spamming my Facebook wall with pictures. Am I bitter?? Nah, nawwwww, nahhhhhhwwwww, not. at. all.

You see, normally I don't care but I think I really missed out this year because A BUNCH OF PEOPLE WENT WITHOUT DATES!! Literally 3 packs of girls rented a party bus and just went together. It honestly looked so fun... (T o T) BUT WHILE THEY WERE THERE... I HAD A LOT MORE GOING ON IN MY LIFE!! Four words: Big Bang in LA. Yes that's right I was there... virtually... BUT IN MY DEFENSE I HAD VIP SEATING OKAY?? So one of my best friends got a VIP ticket to their concert. It was amazing because she was literally in a VIP room above the stage. UHHHH GREAT VIEW?? YES PLEASE!! She was kind enough to Facetime me and literally it was the most amazing experience ever. GD LOOKED AMAZING EVEN THROUGH THE FUZZY FACETIME CAMERA!! I wish I could bring you beans with me... The connection was pretty bad though because I was outside purse shopping after a stressful day... Yes I buy things when I'm tired. I hope ma beans had a equally amazing weekend!! Until next time stay cool ma beans. 

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