2K Fan Service

9:00 AM

My bean army has officially reached 2K!! Party fingerzzz!!! I honestly don't know what to say without sounding cliche and the usual: "I want to thank you guys so much...etc." You guys know how thankful I am to have you all here with me. Everyday when I go to check out my stats, I would see you guys actually physically searching up for my blog. Not just accidentally getting to my blog through the GIFs and pictures that I post... I want to really thank you guys for putting in that little bit of effort because if I found a blog and I found one interesting post... I wouldn't search up the blog just because I'm realllllyy lazy. Thank you guys for being the best audience ever. I didn't want to say fans because you might not be a fan of me rather a fan of what I do. I promised that this fan service would be even more interesting, so instead of a spam (since I do that all the time) I would like to reveal my Netflix history... Yup getting even more private... Since I can't show you guys my account, I thought I would just post all my recent history.

You guys all know that I love crime shows and yes after Bones
Zoe Deschanel is so stunning #womancrush. But Jess character
is so cute and dorky... I LOVE IT
I love watching little kids have more talent than me... #bitter
I love this show... I'm surprised to find it in the back of my
history... I honestly love this show so much. It's only in the
back only because the new season wasn't uploaded yet.
I learned how to frost a cupcake from this show... Yea I had not
realized that frosting melt when you put it on hot cupcakes... 
I just realized that her jawline changes.... I still love this movie
though... Give me this movie any time and I will watch it
I'm pretty sure this is the movie that inspired
me to be a lawyer... Really bad reason but
she showed me that if you want something
you have to earn it. 
You all should have expected this... I just replay and replay
parts of this drama because it's so great. I don't want to let
the drama to ever end. 
Yea I watch this... and IT'S SO CUTE!! 
I can't believe how far I'm going back... This was literally
what I watched this summer... Anime lovers don't get your hopes
up. My anime friends have been trying to convert me for ages.
That's all of the history that my account goes up to. I haven't watched a lot of different shows because I have been loyally watching Bones. Normally there would be a lot more... I hope you guys enjoyed this and thank you so much for the 2K!! Until next time stay cool ma beans. 

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