I am so "Mad" that I didn't stay up for the GOT7 Comeback Countdown

9:00 AM

PRAISE THE GODS OF EVERY SCHOOL SUBJECT EVER!! Because GOT7 dropped their comeback album: Mad and their debuting song: If You Do while I was in my History class this morning.

Technically they released it last night, but who's counting... I actually had a song prepared (Lean on Me) which is a awesome ballad... BUT I NEED TO REACT TO MA BEANS EVEN MORE!! I watched all of their teasers at least 10 times before I ran out of time to do homework... Yea don't do that... I officially changed my bias to Yugyeom because gurrlll that boy is growin up fiannneeeee... I'm so creepy... He is beginning to develop his own style and it's awesome to watch how these idols develop into men. My friend disagrees with me that BamBam's outfit looks great in this MV... I don't like chokers but everything on him is amazing. Yugyeom grew up so much in this MV and they just all just became so mature in this. JACKSON. IS. AMAZING. He looks so good in this MV I don't even know how to describe it. So here are some pictures...
OH LOOK... He looks in good in every color
OKAY FINALLY WE CAN DISCUSS THE MUSIC VIDEO!! Their teasers involved hitting things, being angry, and just keeping a straight face. This was literally the opposite of their last music video. I just started thinking that Jackson might be my other bias...
The chorus of the song sounds a lot like one of Gain's song... WHICH HAS A EVEN BIGGER ADDICTION FACTOR!! This song was really balanced because half of them were singing while the other half were rapping. The rappers' voices were just perfect and the singing was a lot more mature than their debuting sound.
If you break down the dance moves, the dance moves are actually not that complex. The whole theme was really casual and the way that they are dressed gives this bad but serious feeling. The only thing that I didn't like about this song was the girl talking towards the end. It's not that I don't like the narration, it's WHAT she said that bothered me. Her exact words were: It's up to you if you wanna break up. I don't care. Just do whatever you want. It doesn't matter to me. I'll just go to sleep. WHO ENDS A CONVERSATION WITH "I'll just go to sleep"?? NO ONE DOES!! ABSOLUTELY NO ONE!! Other than that I really liked this song. Out of ten I rate this song a 9.95 out of ten because what the heck the girl... URG... Until next time, stay cool ma beans. 

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