Weight Loss Challenge: Week 7

9:00 AM

Current weight: 128 pounds, the same as last week. Honestly I think I've reached my plateau, like I don't think I can lose weight just by dieting anymore.

Here is what happened, normally I would lose about 2 pounds every week by exercising every day and controlling the amount of Calories that I'm eating, but this week, I skipped I think two days of work outs because I came home late but I still dieted and I didn't lose anything. During the week my weight was also fluctuating, like it would fluctuate between 127-128 but I don't know how but this morning when I weighed in I was at 128. Guess the work out session last night worked out. I hope that I can at least get to somewhere near 120 when the new school year starts which is only like 3 weeks away. EEEEKKKKK!!!
This week has been pretty stressful since it's the last week of SAT classes for me and in addition to that I'm finishing up my homework for my AP classes. Before I log off today, I'd like to tell you guys that I will be at 626 Night Market tomorrow night so try to find me derrrrrrr....
Someone actually asked me what 626 was when I commented on Mark's picture on Insta .... This was on my personal Insta by the way.... If you don't know what it is, it's okay... That just means you're not LA enough. Plus they're already back in Korea filming for the V app which is fried ice cream awesome!! I am only at 31 bpm for the groups that I added. The only thing bad about it is the fact that they don't have subs for the recent videos. Hopefully they'll add it soon for the international fans.... COUGH COUGH... LITERALLY EVERYONE READING THIS BLOG.... Until next time, stay cool ma beans!!

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