Weekend Happenings: Replacement for Monday? Any Suggestions?

9:00 AM

OLO ma beans!! I think that Deep Thoughts Mondays should be replaced because the topics that I cover just makes me feel more depressed about life, so I'm thinking about replacing it with things that happened during my weekend because I don't post on Saturdays and Sundays. I think it connects us even more... Since my weekends are not always exciting, this post will be uploaded periodically... Basically whenever something exciting happens. SOOOOO... This weekend I went on a shoe shopping spree. First of all... I only have about 3 pairs of shoes left, 1 pair of classic red Vans, 1 pair of black high top Converse, and 1 pair of flip flops. These aren't including my winter shoes because I have loads of those but just for the fall when it's too warm to wear boots but also too cold to wear flip flops, my sneaker supply was running low so I had to go grab a pair. I usually wear one pair of my shoes for around 2-3 years so Junior year is the perfect time to buy shoes that I will wear until I get to college. I bought 2 pairs of shoes that are not high tops because high tops makes my legs look super short. Both pairs are from the boys shoe section because first my feet are around size 4-5 so when I can't buy adult sized shoes... BUT then I also can't buy girl's shoes in the children's section because they are all too pretty and glittery... so I resorted to the boys section. Honestly, the shoes that I bought were beautiful.
First pair is a pair of black Levis, I personally think that Vans are too expensive because they are literally $60 and they last the same amount of time as other shoe brands. I got my pair of Levis for $17.99 + tax.

I literally see no difference between the 2
Imagine this pair but in black (easier to match with outfits)
The second pair that I bought were this pair of Nike sneakers that is suede with the Nike logo in neon pink running down the side of the shoes. The shoe itself is very futuristic because the shape of the shoes were just normal sneakers but the tongue of the shoe was this futuristic looking, twisted top. I tried to find a picture but I couldn't. This pair was $29.99 and I got a discount because the top was kind of scratched up so final price was actually only $26.99. Yes I went to Ross for these shoes... They have once more fulfilled my needs. Tell me what you guys want Monday to be down below. Until next time, stay cool ma beans.

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