My New School Year Schedule

11:42 AM

Every year before school, there would be a small glitch that would reveal the schedule for next year on the grading portal that my school district uses and today, that glitch happened again.

I SAW MA SCHEDULE FOR NEXT YEAR AND I'M SO EXCITED!! You know how last year, I got a really hard/bad AP Bio teacher, so I've had a bad experience with my AP teacher. This caused me to be extremely scared and sensitive of AP classes. This year there was a high chance that some of the hardest teachers would be teaching the classes that I'll be taking. There was a 50/50 chance for all of my AP classes that I would get someone that is both hard and a bad teacher. I THANK THE GODS OF SCHOOL that I did not get any of those teachers, I think it's because last year, I got such bad teachers that this year even the universe is trying to make it up to me.
THANKKKKK YOOUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!! Literally for half of my periods, I know all of the teachers personally so it will be easier to find teachers next year to write my recommendation letters for college. Then for the rest of my periods, I will be able to develop new relationships with my teachers who has no idea who I was the year before. No it's not like I did something wrong, but it's more like if I didn't leave a good impression with them last year I don't have to worry about it because I am starting fresh. Another perk about my schedule is that no one that I know will be in my classes, or at least not yet since the scheduling is still be being finalized.... SO ANOTHER WAY TO START FRESH!!!! So here is my schedule: 

  1. Honors U.S. History
  2. AP English
  3. AP Environmental Science
  4. AP Chinese
  5. Honors Art
  6. Pre-Calculus
Notice how I have a Honors sandwich with APs in between?? It was so considerate of the counselors to do that. Until next time, stay cool ma beans. 

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