Weight Loss Challenge: Week 6

9:00 AM

I think my body is a lot more adapted to the diet but I haven't had anything sweet to eat for the past three weeks and I'm seriously craving a ice cream bar right now because it's sooooo warm in LA.

My current weight is 128, which is 2 pounds less than last week. I'm planning on treating myself with a Magnum Double Chocolate Ice Cream Bar after lunch. I think it's really important to have something to look forward to when your on a diet or trying to lose weight. I see this tip everywhere and I'm just like, "HA. I BET YOU IT DOESN'T WORK!!" But before I didn't take weight lost seriously, soooo I didn't actually try this tip. I have a serious sweet tooth and so for my reward at the end of the week, it is always something sweet like cakes, pies, or ice cream. I don't have this in mind all the time like when I eat or work out because it's distracting. While I work out I think of the body parts that I'm working and whether I feel the burning.
Then when I eat, I'm too busy thinking about the amount that I'm eating and the amount of Calories. The only time the whole reward thing works out is if you need motivation and I think Cathy does a great job of that in her videos, she continues talking and it takes your focus away from the pain and the work out, so I use sweets as motivation when I'm deciding whether to have certain foods and whether to have more than just the meal, which is the time period before and after a meal. It's good to have a certain goal of what you want to look like.
So yesterday my shipment of Hollister stuff came in, and I bought this pair of size 7 shorts.When I wore it, my stomach was flat, unlike a few months back when I couldn't even fit in size 7 shorts or have my stomach spilling out. It is awesome to look at the progress that I made. I hope your weight loss challenge is working out just as smoothly. Commenting is now anon and I would love to hear about your weight loss. Until next time stay cool ma beans!! 

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