Q&A Thursday: How to Deal with Annoying "Friends"

9:00 AM

Do you ever have that friend that you can't get rid of so you have to deal with, or someone that just annoys the bacon bits out of you?? Well, you've given me situations and I'm here to help you solve it. Hopefully with my years of experience of bad friendships, I hope I can help you.

DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions expressed in this blog are for entertainment purposes only and shall not be considered as advice in any way. Neither ahandherbeans, nor its author shall be held liable for the content in this post. I encourage you to seek professional advice or care for any problem which you may have. 

Q: My friend is super competitive and she would always asks me what my grades are, but then she wouldn't tell me her grades. It gets annoying at points but I can't tell her that. What should I do?

A: Since I'm the one who always bugs my friends about their grades, I have to explain what your friend is trying to do, I don't want to compete but to check where everyone is. For example if on a test, my friend who is taking the same course gets a A and I get a B, I know that I should work harder. But normally I tell them my grades also unless I really didn't check. I've also known people who you are talking about, so what I do, is if they ask me about my grades, and you know that they aren't going to tell you about their grades, then just tell them "I didn't check."
or something along the lines of "I failed." The failing card usually works since that person will feel that they did better than you and just stop asking and the "I didn't check card" will probably stop them for the time being, but it's not as permanent as the "I failed". Most of the time, they won't remember to ask you about that specific grade again.
Q: My friend is super obnoxious, she's really loud and curses a lot. She attract attention to everyone around her, so everyone in school thinks that I'm also weird. How do I tell her to stop without hurting her feelings?
A: I think you literally described me. Awkward.... I think of myself as obnoxious also, but the only reason why people still hang out with me is because I have stories, and I listen to people when they talk. I don't know if she wants to do it on purpose. You probably won't believe this is but I hang out with someone that's even louder than me, and what I do when she starts to cut me off, is I literally stops talking to who ever I'm looking at, stare right at her, and tell her to her face, "Can you wait? I'm talking."
That's literally the only way for her to be quiet, but then it starts again. Whenever she is really loud, just tell her, "Hey lower your voice" and then smile, all of these solutions are only temporary though since she's had that kind of behavior longer than she's known you. It takes time to tell her that she's too loud and for her to listen. If you really don't like her, if you are in high school just join a club during lunch with the rest of your friends, and ditch her for one day. Trust me, it will be very relaxing even just for 1 day.
Q: This girl in my class thinks that she's all that, she always tries to talk to popular people, and it really annoys me that she's always like that. Honestly, she is just a girl who is a wannabe.

A: I see no question mark... But I do get what you mean. These wannabes are obviously very annoying and the best way that you can tune them out is by listening to music and physically ignoring them. For example, with the annoying girl who sat next to me in math this year, every time I enter the classroom I would have my music on full blast so it would take her three to four attempts to get my attention and to be honest... These people usually gives up after two tries. Don't let her get to you, it's her life where she wants to waste away in wannabe behavior.

Q: A guy in my class is really arrogant and he's a troll. It gets annoying at times but I can't say anything because we are friends. Should I tell him what's on my mind or should I just let him be?

A: If he trolls you on a personal level such as: "I like you... JK" or "Let's go to homecoming... JK" That's not okay, and you just need to tell it to his face and he should take it like a man. Boys are usually 5 years younger than their actual age, so they think it's natural to do something like that. HOWEVER, if he trolls on a public level, like a general joke... meaning not targeting you... Then you should just let him be since you are so much more mature than him. Arrogance is something that you just have to ignore. There is literally this guy who thinks that he can get every single girl in the whole school with his money... UH NO THANKS!! If you guys are friends for more than 3 years, then tell him how you feel, and if he doesn't stop and it bothers you literally like a 8.0 Earthquake, then just stop talking to him but if you guys have been friends for a year, don't say anything and leave.
I hope this helped someone out there who are having similar problems. The comments are anon and I would like to hear some of your stories. Until next time stay cool ma beans!!
DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions expressed in this blog are for entertainment purposes only and shall not be considered as advice in any way. Neither ahandherbeans, nor its author shall be held liable for the content in this post. I encourage you to seek professional advice or care for any problem which you may have. 

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