10:35 PM

See how I titled the post in all caps?? That's right ma beans!! I got my ears pierced!! 

Before The Piercing... 
Before I actually went, about in one week in advance I decided to look up the reviews on Yahoo and just searched people's experience with Claire's. Let me tell you how wrong all of the parents are. I'm pretty sure that most of them are either exaggerating on what happened, or it didn't happen at all because it was basically impossible.
The first scary review that I read was that one of the parents were like, "When Claire's pierced my daughter's ears, the gun was stuck and so a paramedic came." The gun itself is actually just a little gun that pushes the earrings into the ear, there is a separate part with the needle that holds the earring.
This separate part is pre-packaged, and it's thrown away immediately afterwards. I'll tell you more about this later with the process. Anyways another review that I saw was that the gun is bad for your ear. My piercings look perfect, and it doesn't feel like anything right now, so I can't say that the needle way is any better. The next most popular review is that since the girls who does the piercings are cashiers, they don't have any training and that they will pierce your ears unevenly. PEOPLE... EVEN IF THESE GIRLS DON'T HAVE PROPER TRAINING... THEY PIERCE A LOT OF EARS EVERYDAY, SO EVENTUALLY THEY DO HAVE A LOT OF EXPERIENCE!! My mom actually got her ears pierced, and the piercings are perfectly even and mine are super even too. Just because they got a bad experience doesn't mean everyone is bad, so I trust Claire's perfectly. 

Lets move on to the procedure. Since it's the July 4th weekend, many people were inside the store, and so I head straight to Claire's. I walked to the check out counter and I just told them that I wanted to get my ears pierced. In like 5 minutes someone came over to help me. We already decided the earrings we are gonna get before we went there, and I got the 14K white gold 3mm ball.
It's super simple and cute. I think gold is tacky, so I didn't get the gold version. My mom wanted to get hers done first, so the girl got out gloves, cleaned her hands AND gloves with something, and then grabbed two packaged wipes to wipe the ear, then did the dots. She erased the dots several times to make sure that they were even and then showed my mom the placement. After she got a okay, she assembled the gun... BAM BAM... Done. She did the same thing with me, and I got my right ear done first, and it did hurt more than my left ear. The pain was like a pinch... Really... And the pain afterwards was more a throb. 

I have a head ache afterwards... But it's like wooziness. She then explained to me how to clean everything and all that... Etc.... When I cleaned my earrings, it did sting a little because you just punctured a hole in your body... So no surprise there but... Because the metal balls are so small its difficult to turn it. Other than that... I'm super happy with my piercings!! Thanks Claire's!! Hopefully this is a positive contribution into Claire's piercings. Until next time stay cool ma beans!! 

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