10:58 PM

I am officially over my EXO phase!! YAY!! Finally I got over their perfectness and moved on to another group that is even more perfect!! GOT7 is now my life and soul and yes I know that they are coming to KCon 2015 and yes I am doing everything in my human will to go to KCon this year. I want to convert some of you guys into a iGOT7. Of course... I have a series of GIFs to make you nose bleed + heart attack + spasm + ovaric explosion. Yes all those things are extremely healthy. So here are the boys that I love so much!!

We have these babies... 
And these babies... 
But all of them are my favorite babies... 
This is my OTP... One Triplet Pair :)
This is my fav ship though... 
No you don't know much about them... That's why I'm here!!
This is Mark... He's the baby face
From left: JB, Bam Bam, Mark, YoungJae, Yugyeom, Jackson
Then there is Jackson... He is the relatable one
This is Bam Bam... The one that doesn't look like a rapper... BUT SURPRISE HE IS!!
Don't worry, Jackson is full of SWAG
Like this
JB is the awk cute one
Mark has a awesome face
He can be full of aegyo 
He can make your heart melt
He looks especially awesome in a tank top
He can also body roll like a boss
He looks especially good in this tank
Then we get to the "sexy" one... What a joke
Still JKing
He can also look super sincere
This is JB... the charismatic one 
He works the eyeliner game like no one else
He's also kinda derpy
But then you see this... 
This is why I want to be a cat
His smile will blind you!!
This is the maknae... doesn't look like it huh... 
But see?? He's adorable!!
JK.... He's hot... 
Cringing that I said that... 

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