Weight Loss Challenge: Week 2

3:57 PM

The final weight for this week is 133 lbs. I am feeling not accomplished... But one pound is still one pound!! Honestly I don't think I followed my diet this week because I kinda got busy... And you know what happened this year when I got busy.

I didn't binge eat, but it was close to that. I ate a lot during lunch, and then at night when I came home I was like, "OOOOO let's eat less because I'm not hungry!!" Then when I see the yummy food... I ate stuff... and became fat....
I'm still following the 30 day challenges, but I don't think they are working anymore because I am no longer sore. The thing is, on Wednesday when I did the sets, I would sweat but then yesterday, I didn't really feel tired or felt the which part of the body that the moves were working. I seriously think I should do more sets. I was pretty happy though because the total weight that I've lost is 4 pounds and it does make a difference on my appearance. My stomach is flatter, I can actually see a waist, and my thighs create less friction and hurts less when I walk, so that's a plus!! I feel a lot more positive.
I still gossip like a teenage girl but I am a teenage girl, but I feel a lot more kind... I think that's the word but you know what I mean. I wave to people, and I smile a whole lot more. I just found out that my SAT Biology test score is 650, so good bye Ivy Leagues. Losing weight really did impact me in a positive way. 
Let's go for 30 and stay cool ma beans.

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