Reaction Tuesday: EXO Next Door

9:00 AM

Yes. EXO Next Door has just ended, a few days before their comeback album of LOVE ME RIGHT, and I am seriously not okay with it. Normally, I would react to some new band, comeback song, or something related to music, but this is seriously worth reacting to. I've watched drama parodies, loads of them by other bands, but there has not been a lot of mini-series that are by bands. Yea I know, GOT7's also finished, but I am more of a EXO-L so I watched this mini-series first. I have to point out something before I get further into the discussion... The main girl/Incheon Gal, is the same actress that played as Jung Yung Hwa's little sister in Heartstrings.

I seriously hated her character in that drama, and I still think that I hate her in this series.
I guess I can't blame everything on her, it's also the fact that this series had no plot. Like at all. The whole 16 episodes was about how this girl finds out about EXO, and then Chanyeol and D.O both likes her, and then the background story is Sehun and her brother's bromance that gets too out of hand. THE END!! I literally just told you the whole drama. She does nothing in the drama, except blushing and coming between Chanyeol and D.O. I would like her a whole lot better if she actually spoke, she only spoke 1/12 of the whole entire drama and it was with her friend or her family. More than half of the time when she was with Chanyeol, she just got yelled at, and blushed. HOW CAN SOMEONE'S FACE GET THAT RED??
I don't think that's possible. I seriously think that SMEntertainment just hired some second rated actress to play in this mini series. EW. Other than her, everyone's acting was on point. I was seriously glad that Chanyeol and the rest of the members knew how to act, I know that sometimes the fakeness just like ooozzz out of people who can't act. I am still very happy that D.O got to show off his acting skills again!!! TBH, I seriously think that Kai and D.O should collaborate in a drama together... SMEntertainment are you getting this?? This drama would blow up!! With their charisma, and smexiness, I'm pretty sure that it's going to win some kinda award... I loved the setting of the house, the design, and WTF was the pendant for???
LORD JEZUZ... It literally came out of no where, drove Chanyeol to the brink of death, and then did nothing for the plot.... So why was it there?? Was it so that SM could sell EXO Next Door merchandise??? APPARENTLY YES!! That's right my fellow EXO-Ls... There is a EXO Next Door package and it's worth $80!!! That's more expensive than a pair of Nikes!!! Please SM, we are going to be broke at this rate. Well, I seriously just wasted like 16 hours on this mini-series... Hopefully Dream Knight isn't as bad... IMAGINE IF THEY USE A TRAINEE FROM SIXTEEN??? I WOULD DIE.... Until next time, stay cool ma beans. 

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