1K Surprise!!!

2:16 PM

OH MY LORD FLUFFY CHICKENS AND COOL BEANS!!! I just reached 1K beans!!! You beans my bean army has literally reached across the globe. I am not joking. I can see my audience and my beans are literally from across the world. I am now annoying in all 7 continents!! YAY!! To celebrate this special day... Let me share with you some videos that means a lot to me...

First video... I'm pretty sure that a lot of you guy saw this already... but Channie's face when he was playing his guitar is to die for and D.O's voice is serenading you... 
This is even more old... OMG... But Kris was here, so here is that memory
This is so hilarious... Just watch it...
This is literally the best insight to EXO... Their true colors are shown here...
Chansoo moments... It explains it alllllllll
Fan cams are literally the best so here is a Chanyeol fan cam...
I have so much love for this video... YOU HAVE TO WATCH IT... WATCH IT RIGHT NOW!! You will thank me once you are done... ;0
You see the cover of this video... Can someone please make this into a GIF?? Please and the world will thank you.
D.O and Chen sexy yogurt cut #2... You know you love it...
GOT7... Boyfriend Version... No need for words... Just watch it... 

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