Project Inspiration: The Beginning of a Violinist

9:00 AM

Welcome to week 4 of Project Inspiration, I just realized that there will be no Week 6 inspirational person because the Thursday of Week 6, I've already gotten out of school and I would have started my Weight Loss Challenge for the summer, and that does not count as the end of the school year anymore but in reality, it is summer vacation!! Without further ado, let's meet the one and only A.
Q: To start off the interview, please tell me what instrument you play in orchestra and how long you've been playing it. Feel free to add anything else that you want my readers to know. 
A: Hi! I have been playing the violin for a little over seven years now. IDK is it suppose to be long or something okay...
Q: Is orchestra competitive?? Does everyone fight for their seating??
A: Orchestra is only competitive depending on the type. For instance, I have been in the school orchestra and am going into my sixth year of it. But I have never encountered many people who would take the seating chart to encourntered many people who would take the seating chart to heart. Actually, now that I think about it, most people are embarrassed if they had to sit in the first chair seat. There might be a handful of people who would "fight" and show off their talents to imtimidate others. On the other hand, I went to an ourside orchestra that you had to audition for for about two to three years and I noticed that the degree of intensity increased rapidly as time went on.
Q: Does orchestra take up a lot of time?? How many hours do you commit to playing everyday??
A: No, orchestra does not really take a lot of time. You don't really spend a large amount of time unless you are taking private lessons; if you are, you'd probably practice about 1 to 2 hours a day. Although, sometimes, the dates of the concerts have terrible timing (i.e. our school concerts are almost always on Thursdays and lasts until 9 PM)

Q: Random question number 1... What is your spirit animal?
A: OOOO, so I think this question goes hand in hand with "what is your favorite animal?". For me, the answer to both questions is .... (drumroll please) *THE ORCA 'WHALE'*. Fun fact of the day: orcas are actually dolphins. I chose this animal because (a) their nickname is the killer whale, which implies that they are badass, and (b) they need more love. One of my ultimate goals is to gain enough muscle to be able to CARRY OUT THESE CREATURES FROM SEA WORLD BECAUSE HAVE YOU GUYS SEEN HOW MANY ANIMALS THAT DIED THERE?? This propaganda of "whales living as long in sea world as in the wild" makes me want to slap them.

Q: Do you suggest people who are beginners to join orchestra or is it too competitive??
Q: Do you have any WTF stories that you can share with my viewers??

A: Honestly, not many people say this, but I think that newcomers should not join orchestra. I have known people to have felt bad about themselves because they believed that they "aren't good enough." Most people in orchestra had at least a year of private lessons prior to joining. & beware of playing an excerpt in front of the whole class.

A: OKAY SO I DO HAVE A WTF STORY, and it gets me soooo angry. In the eighth grade, I was the "concertmaster" of our advanced orchestra in middle school. I had to sit next to this pretentious guy (let us refer to him as Josh) that played in a college-level orchestra and in one of the top young musicians orchestra in our area. He basically hated me for being the first chair and so attempted to ruin one hour of everyday for me. What he would do was hit me with the bow while playing, ruin my strings so that I would play off key when tuning the orchestra, and embarrass me not only in front of the class but in front of my crush. He ruined my in-class solo my "pretending" to bump into my violin. So one day Josh was talking to my crush and was telling him all about me in class because he knew we had a thing. Then Josh pressures me into playing in front of my crush, which I was terrified to do so. & all of my strings were almost to their snapping point. Josh then told my crush that I sucked and didnt deserve to be in the orchestra & walked away laughing. So, kids, there will always be that one bastard that you can't get rid of ( :
Q: Do you have any advice for my readers?? It can be about live, love... Anything really...
A: My advice is: keep your jealously in place please. I say this with knowing words because I get this feeling really easily and it's not the best way to spend your time feeling.
Q: Do you think orchestra has helped you in any way??
A: Orchestra has made taught me how to be more patient; there will always be a time where you get frustrated with yourself for not being able to play something and a time where others can't do it either. You just need to break everything down and walk through it step by step (or, measure by measure). Also, classical music is good for your brain, so why not listen to it?

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