Deep Thoughts Monday: KPop Drama during this Weekend

9:00 AM

OH MY FLUFFAY CHICKENS!!! Have you guys seen the drama going through the drama world?? I think you have, so today I am here to discuss some of these topics with you.

  1. DaHyun VS. Sehun: Dahyun is not the same Dahyun from SIXTEEN, this Dahyun is a lot less pretty than the other Dahyun and she apparently stalks the maknae of EXO, Sehun. Many EXO-Ls are calling her a "saesang". EXO-Ls are known for their overly protective nature and their power over social media. What happened was that Dahyun is a current trainee under a some small agency and she is debuting in a group called Pink Lace some time in the future. Then on a Korean site called Pann, she started sending messages to Sehun saying how she wish that he would listen to her album when it came out and how she wanted to meet him, then on Instagram she started tagging him in her selfies. Her Instagram is currently public and her username is: dahyunhand so go and check her out. In addition, she got blocked my Sehun, so WHOOAAAAA even more reasons to target her.... Seriously not really. Anyways, so EXO-Ls are talking about how she should stop hitting on Sehun and throwing shade her way. As you guys all know, I am a huge EXO fan but I don't consider myself a EXO-L because I like other bands, and I don't dedicate my life to them, so yea... I think that EXO-Ls are just overreacting because I've seen many instances where different KPop artists fan-girl over each other, and since Dahyun didn't even debut yet, she is still just a typical girl who likes EXO like the rest of us, the only difference is that Dahyun has a higher chance of meeting them than us or she has even less chance because EXO is so busy. You see EXO-Ls you don't need to target her, she has no chance!! 
  2. Mnet Quality: This is another big deal with EXO in it, so here is what happened, after EXO performed their song on MNet and Mnet uploaded on to YouTube and when EXO-L took the time to get the views up so EXO can win MCountdown, however, when they got the views to 700,000 views, Mnet took the video down enraging the whole EXO army. I just checked the views right now and it is currently at 195, 329 views. I know it's must be so hard to listen to a song over and over again to get the views up because you think it's your job to support EXO and I know that EXO wouldn't be where they are without you guys, but seriously I think that they already feel appreciative for what EXO-L do for them. Plus each of them joined the KPop world because they love what they are doing, they don't really care about awards then. Why do you have to target Mnet?? They only deleted the video so the new video can be a higher quality, not because they don't want EXO to win. I bet you this week, EXO is going to win. So calm down people.
  3. Threatening VIPs: The last story is of course about the threats that VIPs are facing. Recently, Big Bang's comeback took over the charts, they have been winning for the past month actually. Although I only like Loser from their new album, they were the reason why I got into KPop in the first place. Being the sunbaes of EXO, I don't understand why EXO-Ls are threatening to bring bombs to their concerts and saying how VIPs should die in the Korea ferry boat accident. First of all, you EXO-Ls are taining the name of EXO, just like my point above, EXO is happy that they are able to have so many fans supporting them but they will not tolerate the behavior of disrespecting their sunbaes. Why does EXO-Ls have to go to the extreme every time?? You guys are giving the fan base a bad reputation in the KPop world. I am super happy for VIPs because YG bands makes a comeback every few years so it's not doubt that they are winning!! Secondly, the Korea ferry accident is not something you can joke around with, 304 people died in that accident. So please don't joke about things like this. Until next time, stay cool ma beans!!

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