Project Inspiration: The Start of Another Beautiful Friendship

9:00 AM

As I promised, here is week 2 of Project Inspiration. Today I will inspire you with one of the closest person in my life, my best friend, S. She is the most caring and nicest person that I've ever met. She has been dealing with my craziness for 4 years now, and I am very glad that I have someone like her around me to keep me normal. So let's meet my best friend. 
Q: To begin the interview, can you tell me a little about yourself? Ha... But you know seriously... And your experiences as a dancer?
A: I started traditional ballet when I was 4 but then I moved to a place with super white people so the ballet places there wasn't that professional and I lost everything. Then I moved again and I got better because they were all Asians who pushed us hard and I got better. Yay! I quit ballet a few months ago and now dedicating myself towards a more hiphop style of dance.
Q: You've been a cheerleader for 2 years, how is it?
A: It's been quite a journey and has it's ups and downs. There's been happy times and really bad times where the team was just so annoyed (most of the times at a teacher or teammate *ahem*) but it's been exciting. Life is never boring!
Q: Tell us the reality to the cheerleading industry. Wow... That sounds very professional... Are the girls really "mean girls" as portrayed in movies?
A; Of course it's pretty much the same because stereotypical white girls exist, but of course the high schools a bit different from stereotypical high schools so it's not as exaggerated. Just think mean girls but more realistic.
Q: Yay for random questions!!! So what's your favorite candy?
Q: Wow.... that level of unsureness... LOL
Q: Moving on... Do you suggest no experience dancers to join cheerleading?
A: YES OFCOURSE. as long as you are determined and try your best you can get better than those who have had years of experience. Very inspirational yes and it's actually very true I've heard an actual story.
Q: Does cheer really require skills or does it depend on how hard you try?
A: Both but if you try hard you'll get those skills
Q: Are there any WTF stories that you've had experience with?
A: OMG I HAVE A BUNCH actually this one just happened very recently. We are working hard and drilling the assembly that we are putting for the entire school next week so any of the practices right now are crucial for us. VERY CRUCIAL. All of us have known that there's early morning practices on certain dates but this one girl OMG yes just this one decided not to show up. I kind of expected it but still I was trying to be nice to her and everything so I texted her "hey are you coming?" and she replied 5 min later "OMG I totally forgot we had practice today!!!" HAHAHAHAHAH WE WERE ALL LIKE WTF THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE. So I told her she should try to come ASAP because we need the practice and we had to learn all new choreo the day before and that needed to be perfected ASAP for the white crazy lady adviser to watch. She said she will try to come and that she's sorry blah blah blah BUT OFCOURSE SHE JUST NEVER CAME! We never understood why. She said her house is far or whatever but she had 1hr 30 min to get her arse to school and her house is only about 20 minutes away. My fellow teammate/friend supported us with that fact. The worst thing is she became all rude and stuff to my friend when my friend has been telling her the schedule and helping her with everything and supporting her when the rest of us was mad at her but she just doesn't appreciate it at all. Let's just say she's shameless and doesn't care about her lies. Oh yeah... she's famous for all the lies she tells. 

A: Of course, we all know about "her". 
Q: Do you any advice for my viewers?? About high school or anything really.
A: DONT LIE ABOUT ANYTHING BE HONEST PLEASE *Note WTF story above life lessons peoples.*

Q: OMG LOL "lessons peoples". 
Q: How long do you spend in rehearsal for cheer everyday?
A: It really depends. if there's nothing serious in the upcoming week or so we just chill and do nothing but we usually practice about 2 hrs everyday.
Q: are you looking forward to junior year?
A; NOO and yes more no than yes. No because it's going to be torture and one step closer to applying for college and stepping out to the real world which is very scary and kind of yes because I'm so over high school and mostly the meanest math teacher I have ever encountered in my whole life. she ruined me.

Q: Don't worry... Me too... And literally everyone who graduated before us.
Ma beans, I hope that her advice and experience has inspired you to maybe tryout for a sport or your school's dance team some time in your future because YOU CAN DO IT!!! Until next time, stay cool ma beans and you've gots its.

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