New Project?!
8:55 PMOLO ma beans!! It's the last six weeks of school and countdown for summer is beginning. I decided that I wanted to start a new project giving some inspiration to all of you that might want to try something new this summer. Every Thursday, the Q & A that I normally do will be instead a interview between me and someone that I find inspirational. Whether it is a aspiring YouTube singer, or just someone close to me trying something new, I promise the interview will be awesome. I want to start my own podcast this summer, so I am also taking this chance to talk to other people that might help me do that. It's actually raining outside right now... LA has some crazy weather. To be honest, this weather has me all emotional and depressed... I'm thinking about my life right now and I want to cry because stress. Anyways, stay tuned every Thursday for that, until next time, stay cool ma beans!!
I can't wait for you guys to meet the first interviewee of this mini project!! He will be answering my questions next Thursday, so please check back then!! He is super sweet and totally adorable, I think you guys will adore him.