My First Haters

8:36 PM

Every YouTuber said to reject hate, but this involves shutting down my blog, so I am not okay with it. I would like to address the people in class about what they said. I think someone in my class have found this blog and they found it "offensive." I overheard the conversation, it sounded something like this, "Don't follow the blog! I remember some middle schooler did this and their website got shut down, and the people who followed it also got into trouble." Let's first define gossip shall we, it is "casual or unconstrained conversation or reports about other people, typically involving details that are not confirmed as being true." Everything that I post on my blog about someone is first not using their actual names, the letters that are representing them are not even the same letters as their actual names. NO ONE IS NAMED X FOR CHRIST SAKE. Second my stories are only things that I've heard with my own ears or I've seen ti happen. That's why these stories don't include a bunch of details. I need you all to realize that whoever you think I'm writing about, even if you think it's you, you are probably guessing wrong because you have no idea who my friends are. I'm not popular, so this blog is actually not for the people in the school to even worry about because you all have no idea who I am talking about. Plus, those middle schoolers got their blog idea from Gossip Girl. I started my blog because my friends told me they liked hearing about my day and my stories so I figured everyone would like that too. People should realize that life isn't just rainbows and unicorns like how YouTubers show it. No one's life is perfect, and you only see a part of my life on this screen, so I'm trying to include the both the perfections and imperfections. I am not someone that would hate on other people even though I don't know them. I find them annoying, and I have strong dislikes for people, but I will never hate on anyone without a reason. I promise you can go through my blog, and find everyone I talk about, and there will be a reason for why I dislike them. I also need to address the fact that plenty, plenty of YouTubers have rant videos which are even worse because the people viewing the videos can see who they are, and they might actually be able to guess the person they are talking about, so what makes it different that I write down my rants. If you seriously want to point out that I judge a lot of things, then you need to realize that those are all opinion based, you can take it or leave it the choice is yours. Lastly, I find it funny, that you spent one whole period of class, reading through my blog and then telling people not to follow it. Just think about that for one second. Until next time, stay cool ma beans. 

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