AP Testing Morning...

7:05 AM

It's the morning of my first ever AP test and I'm spending the time to post this. I know I should be studying right now but, there is no way that I can remember everything that I can possibly know in like ten minutes before we walk in. Let me describe my feelings right now. My teacher gave us tattoos to walk into the test with, and everyone is putting their's on, except for me because you know temporary skin stickers are not my thing. (Not really I just forgot... Ha...) Anyways, there was "breakfast" and everyone is frantically eating. I want to give myself a goal before I go in, I want to get a 3 on the exam and that's how hard I am going to try. I prepped for this test more than I did for the practice exam, that doesn't mean my score is going to be anywhere lower. Oh lord we are going in, good luck to everyone including you guys. See you after the exam. Until next time, stay cool ma beans!!

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