Want to be a KPop Idol? Read this first...

5:10 PM

There is no happy introduction because I feel like I need to inform all of you. I want to dedicate today's blog to Tao and KPop stars in general. There is nothing that I want to talk about more. Sorry to the realistic fans out there but I need to back in the KPop world. As you all have heard or seen, Tao is leaving EXO. Yesterday his father released a letter online about his health conditions and this morning, Tao confimed that he will be leaving EXO. When I heard this news, I was crushed, so I decided to do some research on KPop idols and the companies that they work for. I want all of you fans out there to realize how hard they really work.

First topic is of course, the dating ban. I believe that all big companies have this, JYP for sure. It is basically a ban on idols dating for the first how many years that they are a idol. I think that this makes valid sense since the company would want you to become popular and so you should practice hard. But what really happens after the certain amount of years? The real question is: can you really date after that? Actually, no, you can't because there are saesangs that are going to break down your fan site and your partner's fan cite because they are crazy. Don't worry though, you can sing about dating some wonderful girl. But that's definitely not enough, it's unfair. A lot of idols leave their group due to the fact that they just want to be normal, and that's just not possible. 
The next thing that really shocks me is the conditions that they work in. Let's talk about back stage. A lot of times you see on Instagram your idols piling up and cuddling on a couch before a show and it's "oh so adorable." But you do you realize that it is because they have no where else to sleep and they are extremely tired? In one day they would travel from one side of Korea to the other side, in a van. I cannot even stay in a van for two hours while we were driving to Las Vegas let alone for the whole day. Did you ever wonder why you never see your idols eating back stage? Like actual meals? Well, that's because they don't get proper nutrition back stage! It's not like it's all garbage but most of the time their meals consist of cookies and chips. For some female idols, while they are on a diet, they are only given certain foods. Many times, they would get the most simple meals from nearby convenient stores just because it's cheap and quick. These idols work long hours everyday trying to learn new dances and they burn a lot of calories, and yet most of the time, they don't even get meals like you and I. They are also expected to work long hours and perform whether they are in good health or not. The most famous example is Chanyeol from EXO caught on a fancam stumbling down stage, throwing up, then going back up the stage again. His members nor the company wanted fans to see him that way, but it's there was a slip. Now the photos of Tao's injured feet is going viral as we speak. These companies need to realize that idols are people that millions of other people look up to. That's why they are called idols LORD JEZUZ!! 
The most important research that I found was that they have loans to the companies. I think most of you know that your average Korean idol goes through a period of a 5 year training, and then goes through promoting and all that. This all cost money. The company will put in a certain amount of cash into training you, then advertising for you, and you have to pay it all back. Although your album may be sold for 4.5 million, that is still not enough because the stylists and choreographers also costs money. And the people that the companies can hire will pay them any given amount of money. So if you know a choreographer that can help the band for a cheaper amount, the company will still use the other choreographer that they chose. Eventually, all this debt piles up and you can't escape (like college loans). 
I just want Tao and all of the Korean idols to know that there are a lot of fans out there who will support you wherever you are, so if you have an injury, get better and stronger because we will all love you. I really hope EXO will be okay. Until next time, stay cool ma beans. 

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