Flashback Friday: The Last Dance

6:15 PM

Since it's getting towards the end of the year. Let's travel to the past to the promotion party of my eighth grade year. No one asked me and that is one of the worst dances I've ever been to, but tbh I only went to two dances my whole entire life, so don't take my word for it. The dress I wore was only twenty bucks and it was the most beautiful dress I've ever wore. It's a light pink color with a gradient of sew on sequence from the end of the dress to the top. I invited my friend over to curl our hair and do the make up. We looked great when we arrived. But no one looked as over done as C. She wore one of those prom dresses. Like it was this dark violet blue color and there were jewels on her chest and her nails and shoes all matched. The worst thing about that outfit was that her hair was up like one of those stereotypical Jersey shore style that you see in TV shows. It was super cheesy, but as girls we all had to be like, "OMFG U LOOK SOOOOO PRETTTYYYY!!!!" Yea...no.... So anyways we went inside the dance place. The theme was the Hunger Games so of course fatter versions of the characters greeted us as we walked in. Inside it was this community center and it lit up with this dark red and black light. And in the far corner was a movie screen with a DJ and there was the "dance floor." Okay uhh.... Not high school musical at all!!! Then the food got even worse, we didn't even order food, it was Mexican food made by parents and it tasted horrible and I love Mexican food. Next to everything was a highly decorated cake that no one was suppose to touch and it was all suppose to be for watching. It's freaking ridiculous since its food and everyone was hungry. And then I saw the guy that I liked and he was so ugly in his purple dress shirt, and that's when I thought that I'm glad that I didn't ask him to go to the dance with me. I spent the night dancing, and playing video games in the video game truck that we had. I beat my friends in Just Dance and I took pictures with them in silly costumes. Everything was going okay until a toothpick slipped underneath my matching sandals and poked a hole in my foot. I was bleeding and had to sit the rest of the night out. We partied until 9 and it was mostly me dragging my friends around and prevent them from having any fun since they had to help me. You must be wondering how many slow songs there were, well, there was one. It was so stupid because some of the couples were dancing with other people and the people who are not dating or bold enough are gathered around the tables eating chocolate. There was a raffle at the very end and I got a tshirt for the high school and I got like a few coupons and some pens. It was disappointing. The bag that I go though, I've been using it to carry my PE cloth, so I guess that's useful. Now I want to hear how you graduated? Was it a dance? Or some other event? Comment down below. Until next time, stay cool ma beans! 

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  1. promo sucked poop. and im not even talking about the food (that was awful too. a total disappointment since i was hoping to pig out), the hunger games theme wasn't even interesting...

  2. I hated the characters from the fake hunger games.... Effie Trinket was this fat lady wearing a wig :(


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