Artistic Saturday: A Self Portrait

12:46 AM

I drew this pretty long ago as you can tell by the date of the picture. This is a color pencil sketch, I found this kitten online, and it had the most beautiful and soulful eyes. If you look really closely, the kitten has gold specks inside it's eyes, and the whole kitten is done in different shades of brown. FIFTY SHADES OF BROWN! JK. It was suppose to be a whole body, but with it only being a portray, the kitten appear more elegant and classy. This was actually one of the last pencil sketches that I drew since right now I am currently working on a collection of oil and acrylic paintings. Also notice that I did not draw in the whiskers, not because I forgot but it was because the whiskers were white, and so fo rme to be able to draw them in would look really ugly. This picture had a lot of soul in it, and I just want everyone to see that everything has their own spirit if you just look hard enough. Until next time, stay cool ma beans!

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