Deep Thoughts Monday: The World of High School

7:44 PM

From high school students doing drugs to high school students partying in movies. High school is actually completely different from how the media perceive it. Back in fifth grade, when High School Musical was still fabulous, I wanted to be in high school so badly. I wanted to sing all day, beat the meanest girl in school, and get the hottest guy in school to date me. Ha. What a JokE. I can't even get a cabbage to like me. Today, let's check out other country's perception on American high school, and let's compare the difference between high school and movie high schools. 
Okay first, Chinese people think that Americans are especially stupid. One of my friends was born in the US but her parents sent her back to China for 2 years and then sending her back because they thought that the math skills of a third grader in America is the level of a first grader in China. With this in mind, the people in China believes that American teens have it easy since we do not need to test into a high school or test into a college. We just get in. However they do not realize that the road to get there is at the same skill level of a Chinese high school. I'm sure that everyone can relate to this: Who has stayed up until 1 or pulled a all nighter because you had so much homework to do? I think everyone has had this experience before. So to those Chinese parents sending their kids to America... It's gonna be realllllyyyyy hard in the future. 
I thought that movie high schools involves beautiful people who does not even go to class. Well, I was wrong... All of the teachers don't want to be there more than you do, and everyone is just so gloomy. Eventually you lose all freedom of your life, such as staying in during lunch at a club meeting, or staying after school to do volunteer work. I seriously think that someone should make a realistic version of high school... Warn the poor children about the lies we are told. Until next time, stay cool ma beans!

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