Flashback Friday: The Past Year

7:05 PM

OLO!! I want to reflect on this year and no, I'm not on summer break yet but today is a remarkable day: today I took my last AP Bio test. CAN I GET A HOLLA SISTA!!!! This year started with me sobbing the night before I went to school about my AP Bio teacher. I was also depressed that I don't have friends in any of my classes but I met so many new people. A in PE class turned out to be the coolest person ever and we can totally relate since we can talk about anything. Another two As on my Speech and Debate team, we would walk out of school together now, and one molest my arm. Yea she's cool balls. J (another one, this one is female), we have the same grade for AP, and she is super duper awesome because she accepts my weirdness.  One of the most beautiful guy though is in my AP class: R. He is the perfect Korean guy, and he's smart too. But it got awkward when he messaged me the answer to a question that I posted and I told him: "You know that you can comment right?" And that ruined everything... Forgetting about that because I still see him in class, it's all good. Of course, this new dumb girl joined my friend circle group. Her name is U. She is so dumb and annoying that I cannot. I'm pretty sure that everyone in that group thinks she is annoying. So what she does is, she is a attention butterfly. I would be at my table and she would walk there and be like, "OMG. LIKE OMG!!! I HATE HER." Or something of that sort. And all I usually don't say anything but today I was studying and she's like, "THE ANSWER IS...." And I just said, "Can you shut up?" And she's like, "Wow. You are so mean." Like uhhhhhh yea I'm mean it's because you are annoying... And no one wants to deal with you. Ugh. CANNOT DEAL. I haven't had 10 lunches in total with my friends because of my classes and clubs. I hate this year. I hate it. I hate how I almost lost all of my friends, how I work hard and there is no outcome, and how everywhere I go, nothing goes smoothly. I hate this year more than anything. There are more negative things in this than positive, and that's it. 

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