Artistic Sunday: Korea Town

9:40 PM

This Friday, I actually went to Korea town and I would like to share everything that I bought that day! I think of food as another type of art, so I guess this counts as "artistic". The first thing that I bought was this thing called pushuuu pushuuu which is like instant noodle, you dont cook it, and then without taking it out of the pouch, you smash it with your hands, and then put in the seasoning. I think I'm going to try to make the same thing with the normal instant noodles. The taste was extremely salty and spicy, and it has 410 calories. The next thing that I bought was a tiny kit to make mushroom chocolate with a cookie stuck inside it. I thought that it was super Easter, and spring themed because it also had strawberries in it. So it look super good on the box cover until I open it and started making it. It was pretty bad. The strawberry chocolate and the normal chocolate was stuck inside the tube and when I squeezed it, the butt of the tube popped and everything squirted out from the back, so I had to make the cookies like that. The mold also started breaking half way through the freezing, and yea. On a scale of one to ten, it was like a three. I then went to one of the bakeries and bought some breakfast, idk if you guys have it at your bakeries but I bought this mocha bread, which is like a bun with a cream filling. It tastes wonderful!! Another super good bread that I bought was this chestnut bread which is like a macaroon with chestnut chunks. The lady working at the library was super sweet and it was just a delightful experience. Moving on to Saturday, boy do I have a story for you. My mom took me to Souplantation as a mother and daughter bonding experience (not really, we just really like Souplantation) for those of you out there, I really like their Mac & Cheese. OH MY GOD. It is so good. No joke. Anyways, while we were standing in line, I noticed these two guys in front of us wearing head to toe Supreme. Supreme at my school is basically the "douchebag" brand in which only the people who thinks that they are badass wear it. Anyways, at the Souplantation that I went to, there are two ways that you can go to, so we went one way, and those two guys went another way. As we made our way to the front of the line, I noticed that those two guys were right in front of us waiting for seats. And one of the guys was looking straight at my boob area so I'm just like okay he is probably just looking past a spot. And so I just ignored them and started talking to my mom. Thank God she did not notice anything. Anyways, so these two guys gets seated pretty far away from us, and so we were seated at a two person table. When my mom went to get food, the guy who was staring at me, walks from his table, and came right in front of me and was like, "Hey. I saw your shirt while we were in line. I've seen numerous girls wear it, but only you pulled it off." Like UHHHHHH EXCUSE ME??? So I was just like, "Thanks." And like it was freaking awkward... You do not say that, to a stranger. Like you just dont!! And so I was just like, "Excuse me. I need to use the restroom." Yea, that's how I always get out of awkward situations... So I just left. Luckily enough, by the time that I got back, my mom was back. And I just told her that I spilled some juice on my jeans. Ugh. Creepy. Well, that's it for this week!! See you all tomorrow!!

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