BONUS Rant for WTF Wednesday

9:21 PM

I have to tell you guys something. So this year, I am taking my first ever AP Class, which is AP Bio and let me tell you about how ugly things get between the arrogant, douchebag people in that class. With the end of the year coming, and the last lab currently being carried out, I have a loser in my group who is the worst nightmare. Today as the lab progressed for the third day, lets call him, P. I seriously wish that I can expose this guy right now for being the biggest jerk in the whole world, no joke. So this guy, after he sets up, he tells me, "I'm going to work on MY surface area." And this lab, it requires me every 2 minutes to check how much the water has gone down, so it is very time consuming and this guy moves away from our table, on to the other side, and starts working on his own lab. Without any contribution to the group. Like WTF. During this lab, P constantly wants to change the variable into something that either does not work, or he has no idea how to do (proving his stupidity). Not only that but then, he also asks other groups constantly for help, on things that he has no idea on. When I came back home tonight, I just messaged him, and I said exactly this: Hey P, I would really appreciated if you helped to record the data. What you did today is basically u left to work on ur own lab and even u said that its a group lab. I did not alter this message at all, and guess what this guy wrote back, he text: ?????? I was trying to figure out the surface area and I told you that AND I told you I was going to try to figure it out and what data we needed so we could submit our data on time? Seeing this, pissed me off. Like you did not say that and you are just twisting what you said all over the place. I hate this guy, and it will never change. 

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