
9:56 AM

OLO ma beans!! Here is a quick change of scenery, I am going to quickly switch to a new blog called Pink Enclosure where I share my photography trips, sketches, and a lot of other things similar to that of this blog. I will continue to upload on this blog occasionally. I´m trying to transfer my content on here on to the other blog because I want to create high quality content and share my life from a new platform as I get closer to going to college. This blog will forever be active and going at all times. Until next time, stay cool ma beans.


College Confidential: Applications... Where it all begins

9:30 AM

OLO MA BEANS!! Guess why yo girl is hyped... She just finished all of her college applications and so she has a few experiences to share with all of you youngsters out there. I am pretty proud of how I did not procrastinate and happy with the application process, so let's get started...

  1. Start Early: This is what you probably hear every time you ask a Senior about college apps. I started all my apps in June when the prompts came out. Even then, I ended up turning in the weekend before apps were due. Give yourself plenty of time to edit. The system might crash if you procrastinate. Apparently this year two days before UC apps were due, the system crashed.
  2. Talk to a Professional about Your Essays: Find a college counselor. I know that not everyone can afford someone like this and that these college counselors might be a bit pricey but from my experience first I did not have to pay for a college counselor (I will link the post later) and he was the one who helped me the most. Here is why I recommend one: first, they do this for a living, so they probably know what they are doing. Second, it's another person to look at your essays and help you edit. 
  3. Find a few people who have gone through the college application process to help you edit essays. They have already been through the process, so they have some idea on what college want. In addition, since they are already in college, they have more experience with writing essays. 
  4. Check your application twice before turning it in. I learned this the hard way, as I forgot to change one of my courses. The thing is I did not know that my second semester history class is another class until after I turned in my apps, so I have to call both Common App and UC system to change it. 
  5. If you are a Junior and you qualify for SAT fee waiver, get the fee waiver. This is actually a life saving tip, because of this SAT fee waiver, I saved money on sending in my scores. With the fee waiver, scores to four colleges are free. 
  6. Research about the school. You want to know whether you like the student life, the campus, and the program there rather than just applying to a school with a prestigious name. It will definitely help you in the future because this is the only way you can passionately write about why you want to go to that specific college.
  7. Turn in apps around a week before the due date. This will allow you to work out any issues with the application.
  8. Ask for help. If you ever need help with applications or have questions about anything, go and email your counselors at school, they are there to help you and if you are ever confused. Feel free to email me. I'm always open to 8K of y'all.
Honestly, don't feel so intimidated by this process. Everything is actually not as complicated. Just breath and it will be over before you know it. Until next time, stay cool ma beans. 


Reaction Tuesday: I am ¨T T¨ after seeing Twice´s New MV

9:30 AM

OLO ma beans!! Long time no chat, I´m actually posting this while I'm in history class. MUCHO TIME CRUNCH. But I seriously have to react to my wives' music video. Literally after watching the MV once, I had the song stuck in my head for the rest of the day. This is actually the first song that I heard after two weeks of no Kpop. I had to spend some time to catch up on some Netflix shows... Priorities ya know.

Anyways lets get on with this reaction. I seriously love the Halloween theme since it's close to Halloween. I didn't like how the beginning is so long though... The kids were mucho cute but I wanted to see my wives. The dance is fairly simple for this one so I´d like to see them trying something a little more challenging in the future. Then let's take a minute to talk about wife number one Tzuyu. LORD CHRIST!! That girl looks good in anything. Her height and her proportions makes her look so much older than 16. Sana once more is killing me with her cuteness when she sings ¨nanananana¨. SO CUTE!! I bet you after ¨shashasha¨ this is going to be her new thing. I remember scrolling on Tumblr and seeing Momo as Tinkerbell and HERE SHE IS AS TINKERBELL. The thing that I am most hyped about is that Jeongyeon got more lines this time.
She´s so talented and perfect but she just doesn't have the chance to show it. Once more Dahyun is the humorous cutie pie dancing in the background. I really want to see her attempt something serious or attempt a sexy character next time since she´s always gives away a troll vibe. I seriously love how energetic Dahyun is. Seriously she is very different from other idols in my opinion because although she´s really pretty, she is not afraid to be different.

Their fashion is on point for this MV and everything looks so chic and fresh. I give this song a ten out of ten since this is only their third comeback and they are already so so successful. Please support these girls and until next time, stay cool ma beans!!

embarrassing moments

Reaction Tuesday: Homecoming... Finally

9:30 AM

OLO ma beans!! If you all follow me on Instagram, you would have seen that I was at homecoming... Yes hunties... I finally went. Honestly, it wasn´t as bad as I expected it...

Since I´ve been hearing a lot of bad stuff about it since Freshman year. I went with my friend this year because obviously your girl is so awkward she can´t get a date. The traffic slowed us down a lot so by the time we got there, it was already past the hour time frame that people are suppose to arrive. We rushed in with the student council president... She was late also, so we didn´t look as bad. The first mistake that I made was dropping off my shoes with one of my friends who had a date who was also her boyfriend. We literally hadn´t talked in forever, but we were close enough were we could talk whenever... At the end of the dance, when I went back to get my shoes... They were in a make out session... My shoes were RIGHT UNDERNEATH THEIR CHAIRS and so we crouched down and got our shoes without looking up and ran. That was awkward experience one... Then came the time when I thought it would be smart to take off my heels and wear my ten year old flip flops instead. You know once you wear flip flops too long, they would be super wore out and slippery. Well guess what. I didn´t think about that. While I was making my way outside, there was water on the ground and I slipped and fell.
My friend didn´t even noticed. I guess that was good that she didn´t notice and that I fell behind a table... Needless to say, one side of my butt hurt the rest of the night. It got even MORE awkward when we started dancing our way into the grinding circle and you can see EVERYTHING. At that point, I´m super glad I´m short. A word of warning for anyone else going to informal dances this year... If you don´t want some girl wearing the same dress as you... DO NOT buy a nude/light pink bodycon dress. Literally, I saw around 20 people wearing that. As the night went on, some of my cheer friends got into a social media fight where they were roasting past team mates. We then headed out to attempt to buy pizza at 11 because... why not. The food there was absolutely horrible... But then again... I wasn´t expecting much. We had cookies... on a stick. That was by a celebrity chef. Well that´s my rant for today... How was your homecoming? Until next time, stay cool ma beans. 


Reaction Tuesday: ¨I Promise¨ you that 2PM is going to win for this song

9:30 AM

OLO ma beans!! I know this is long long long overdue and I know they came back with this song 3 weeks ago. I don't understand why JYP do not hype up 2PM's comebacks... Like look at GOT7, they have literally one short film, two teasers, and one album leak video for one comeback. 2PM haven't gotten any of this... At least promote them a little, even though they might be older. I swear 2PM is one of the most underrated groups. I really liked this song because it had that EDM for the chorus and it's just such a cool vibe. After this MV I have discovered the amazing human named Jun K. Literally he is the most attractive human being. I heard a lot of people dislike his eyes, but honestly his eyes gives him a nice smoldering look. All of them are perfect to be honest. The girl in the MV is the person I am most jealous of right now since she gets with all of them in a time period of 3 minutes... Here I am been trying for three years. #IKnowIHaveNoChance. The outfits for this MV was really elegant but I found it a bit out of place. I know that 2PM always do the gentlemen/elegance theme by wearing silk or suits. This one ended up as the same thing as House. IN MY OPINION. The song was similar to Jun K´s single. I give this song a 10/10 just because they haven't won a award since forever so I guess they won this award.... Don't know if that means much. I hope y´all can support them by watching their MV and until next time stay cool ma beans. 

college application

College Confidential: Scholarship Applications

9:30 AM

OLO ma beans!! Welcome to another College Confidential. I'm currently editing college/scholarship essays and I have so so much to share... 

  1. Start making senpai friends earlier: This means be friends with older people who are 1-2 years older. This will help you so so so much during the college application process since they are experienced with the application process. They will be the best people to calm you down, give you the most amazing advice, and is much much more helpful than 99% college counselors. Plus more opinions the better. It might seem intimidating but most of the time, they are pretty friendly if you just speak... They are people like you and being older a few years older doesn´t change that. 
  2. Send All of Your Essays to your English Teacher: As much as we don't believe it, teachers are here to help students. If you are too scared to send it to them, realize that after this one year, you will never see them again but still be super super respectful and realize that they probably get essays from all their past students also. I have the honor of having a AP Literature teacher who´s child recently went to college and so she knows what is required for essays. BUT ALL English teachers are great people to look at your essays.
  3. Know someone who applied to the same school: I have actually went on college class pages to see who I know goes there and I would kindly ask them what each college are looking for. This makes everything more straightforward. They will literally tell you exactly what you need without all the Google searches.
  4. Start Early: I checked out all my applications during the summer and yes Common Apps will roll over even after last years' applications are deleted. I started my scholarship application in May and now I'm still editing my essays. You don't need to start as early as me, but start soon sweeties. 
  5. Read Other Essays: I get inspired from reading other people's essays. Sometimes they remind me that I forgot to mention a point and they might even provide me some help with how to phrase something better.
  6. Thesaurus is your BEST FRIEND: You don't want to repeat the same words and bore out everyone so you gotta use synonyms. 
I hope all these tips help those who are currently applying or going to apply in the future. Until next time, stay cool ma beans!!


Reaction Tuesday: I'm Loco for "Lotto" for EXO's New MV

9:30 AM

OLO ma beans!! Welcome to another Reaction Tuesday!! EXO came back again but sadly this time... They did not win since BLACKPINK just debuted. I'm actually really happy that BLACKPINK is doing so well and I'm not really disappointed that EXO lost either since they have been winning a lot for a long time. When I first heard the song, I found the song really auto-tuned which kinda of bothered me. This gives haters another reason to say that "EXO can't sing" WHICH IS TOTALLY UNTRUE BY THE WAY. When I saw D.O. smiling his Satansoo smile I almost laughed out loud... That was wayyy too funny. Another thing that I didn't get was probably the bondage stuff in the beginning of the MV and the rooster fight. All of them looked seriously good in the MV and the teaser pics. BUT CAN WE STOP A MOMENT AND TALK ABOUT BAEKHYUN. Legit after the whole "I got abs" thing... I cannot unbleach my mind of that image.

New member of EXO... Just because I'm
a troll
How is he so talented and so attractive??? I ask myself this question everyday... When you're watching the MV and it gets to Chanyeol's rap... I thought it was a bit awkward and Channie lost his charisma in this MV but the whole driving thing reminded me of BLACKPINK's MV... Seriously they look baller. Suho was standing on a pile of cash (aka my college tuition... Lets talk about goals here). Honestly I don't have a lot to say about the MV other than that it hyped me up (like always). EXO's songs are always good in my opinion and this song just added itself to my playlist. Even though the MV had already passed 11 million views, please support my beebees. Tell me what you think of the MV and don't forget to follow me on IG. Until next time, stay cool ma beans! 

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